/*! @license
* Shaka Player
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* HLS parser.
* @implements {shaka.extern.ManifestParser}
* @export
shaka.hls.HlsParser = class {
* Creates an Hls Parser object.
constructor() {
/** @private {?shaka.extern.ManifestParser.PlayerInterface} */
this.playerInterface_ = null;
/** @private {?shaka.extern.ManifestConfiguration} */
this.config_ = null;
/** @private {number} */
this.globalId_ = 1;
/** @private {!Map<string, string>} */
this.globalVariables_ = new Map();
* A map from group id to stream infos created from the media tags.
* @private {!Map<string, !Array<?shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>>}
this.groupIdToStreamInfosMap_ = new Map();
* For media playlist lazy-loading to work in livestreams, we have to assume
* that each stream of a type (video, audio, etc) has the same mappings of
* sequence number to start time.
* This map stores those relationships.
* Only used during livestreams; we do not assume that VOD content is
* aligned in that way.
* @private {!Map<string, !Map<number, number>>}
this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_ = new Map();
// Set initial maps.
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_.set(ContentType.VIDEO, new Map());
this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_.set(ContentType.AUDIO, new Map());
this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_.set(ContentType.TEXT, new Map());
this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_.set(ContentType.IMAGE, new Map());
* The values are strings of the form "<VIDEO URI> - <AUDIO URI>",
* where the URIs are the verbatim media playlist URIs as they appeared in
* the master playlist.
* Used to avoid duplicates that vary only in their text stream.
* @private {!Set<string>}
this.variantUriSet_ = new Set();
* A map from (verbatim) media playlist URI to stream infos representing the
* playlists.
* On update, used to iterate through and update from media playlists.
* On initial parse, used to iterate through and determine minimum
* timestamps, offsets, and to handle TS rollover.
* During parsing, used to avoid duplicates in the async methods
* createStreamInfoFromMediaTags_, createStreamInfoFromImageTag_ and
* createStreamInfoFromVariantTags_.
* @private {!Map<string, shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>}
this.uriToStreamInfosMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {?shaka.media.PresentationTimeline} */
this.presentationTimeline_ = null;
* The master playlist URI, after redirects.
* @private {string}
this.masterPlaylistUri_ = '';
/** @private {shaka.hls.ManifestTextParser} */
this.manifestTextParser_ = new shaka.hls.ManifestTextParser();
* The minimum sequence number for generated segments, when ignoring
* @private {number}
this.minSequenceNumber_ = -1;
* The lowest time value for any of the streams, as defined by the
* EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME value. Measured in seconds since January 1, 1970.
* @private {number}
this.lowestSyncTime_ = Infinity;
* Flag to indicate if any of the media playlists use
* @private {boolean}
this.usesProgramDateTime_ = false;
* Whether the streams have previously been "finalized"; that is to say,
* whether we have loaded enough streams to know information about the asset
* such as timing information, live status, etc.
* @private {boolean}
this.streamsFinalized_ = false;
* Whether the manifest informs about the codec to use.
* @private
this.codecInfoInManifest_ = false;
* This timer is used to trigger the start of a manifest update. A manifest
* update is async. Once the update is finished, the timer will be restarted
* to trigger the next update. The timer will only be started if the content
* is live content.
* @private {shaka.util.Timer}
this.updatePlaylistTimer_ = new shaka.util.Timer(() => {
if (this.mediaElement_ && !this.config_.continueLoadingWhenPaused) {
this.eventManager_.unlisten(this.mediaElement_, 'timeupdate');
if (this.mediaElement_.paused) {
this.mediaElement_, 'timeupdate', () => this.onUpdate_());
/** @private {shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_} */
this.presentationType_ = shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_.VOD;
/** @private {?shaka.extern.Manifest} */
this.manifest_ = null;
/** @private {number} */
this.maxTargetDuration_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.lastTargetDuration_ = Infinity;
* Partial segments target duration.
* @private {number}
this.partialTargetDuration_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.presentationDelay_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.lowLatencyPresentationDelay_ = 0;
/** @private {shaka.util.OperationManager} */
this.operationManager_ = new shaka.util.OperationManager();
* A map from closed captions' group id, to a map of closed captions info.
* {group id -> {closed captions channel id -> language}}
* @private {Map<string, Map<string, string>>}
this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {Map<string, string>} */
this.groupIdToCodecsMap_ = new Map();
* A cache mapping EXT-X-MAP tag info to the InitSegmentReference created
* from the tag.
* The key is a string combining the EXT-X-MAP tag's absolute uri, and
* its BYTERANGE if available.
* @private {!Map<string, !shaka.media.InitSegmentReference>}
this.mapTagToInitSegmentRefMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {Map<string, !shaka.extern.aesKey>} */
this.aesKeyInfoMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {Map<string, !Promise<shaka.extern.Response>>} */
this.aesKeyMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {Map<string, !Promise<shaka.extern.Response>>} */
this.identityKeyMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {Map<!shaka.media.InitSegmentReference, ?string>} */
this.identityKidMap_ = new Map();
/** @private {boolean} */
this.lowLatencyMode_ = false;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.lowLatencyByterangeOptimization_ = false;
* An ewma that tracks how long updates take.
* This is to mitigate issues caused by slow parsing on embedded devices.
* @private {!shaka.abr.Ewma}
this.averageUpdateDuration_ = new shaka.abr.Ewma(5);
/** @private {?shaka.util.ContentSteeringManager} */
this.contentSteeringManager_ = null;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ = true;
/** @private {Set<string>} */
this.dateRangeIdsEmitted_ = new Set();
/** @private {shaka.util.EventManager} */
this.eventManager_ = new shaka.util.EventManager();
/** @private {HTMLMediaElement} */
this.mediaElement_ = null;
/** @private {?number} */
this.startTime_ = null;
/** @private {function():boolean} */
this.isPreloadFn_ = () => false;
* @param {shaka.extern.ManifestConfiguration} config
* @param {(function():boolean)=} isPreloadFn
* @override
* @exportInterface
configure(config, isPreloadFn) {
const needFireUpdate = this.playerInterface_ &&
config.hls.updatePeriod != this.config_.hls.updatePeriod &&
config.hls.updatePeriod >= 0;
this.config_ = config;
if (isPreloadFn) {
this.isPreloadFn_ = isPreloadFn;
if (this.contentSteeringManager_) {
if (needFireUpdate && this.manifest_ &&
this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.isLive()) {
* @override
* @exportInterface
async start(uri, playerInterface) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Must call configure() before start()!');
this.playerInterface_ = playerInterface;
this.lowLatencyMode_ = playerInterface.isLowLatencyMode();
const response = await this.requestManifest_([uri]).promise;
// Record the master playlist URI after redirects.
this.masterPlaylistUri_ = response.uri;
goog.asserts.assert(response.data, 'Response data should be non-null!');
await this.parseManifest_(response.data, uri);
goog.asserts.assert(this.manifest_, 'Manifest should be non-null');
return this.manifest_;
* @override
* @exportInterface
stop() {
// Make sure we don't update the manifest again. Even if the timer is not
// running, this is safe to call.
if (this.updatePlaylistTimer_) {
this.updatePlaylistTimer_ = null;
/** @type {!Array<!Promise>} */
const pending = [];
if (this.operationManager_) {
this.operationManager_ = null;
this.playerInterface_ = null;
this.config_ = null;
this.manifest_ = null;
if (this.contentSteeringManager_) {
if (this.eventManager_) {
this.eventManager_ = null;
return Promise.all(pending);
* @override
* @exportInterface
async update() {
if (!this.isLive_()) {
/** @type {!Array<!Promise>} */
const updates = [];
const streamInfos = Array.from(this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values());
// This is necessary to calculate correctly the update time.
this.lastTargetDuration_ = Infinity;
this.manifest_.gapCount = 0;
// Only update active streams.
const activeStreamInfos = streamInfos.filter((s) => s.stream.segmentIndex);
for (const streamInfo of activeStreamInfos) {
await Promise.all(updates);
// Now that streams have been updated, notify the presentation timeline.
this.notifySegmentsForStreams_(activeStreamInfos.map((s) => s.stream));
// If any hasEndList is false, the stream is still live.
const stillLive = activeStreamInfos.some((s) => s.hasEndList == false);
if (activeStreamInfos.length && !stillLive) {
// Convert the presentation to VOD and set the duration.
const PresentationType = shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_;
// The duration is the minimum of the end times of all active streams.
// Non-active streams are not guaranteed to have useful maxTimestamp
// values, due to the lazy-loading system, so they are ignored.
const maxTimestamps = activeStreamInfos.map((s) => s.maxTimestamp);
// The duration is the minimum of the end times of all streams.
if (stillLive) {
// Check if any playlist does not have the first reference (due to a
// problem in the live encoder for example), and disable the stream if
// necessary.
for (const streamInfo of activeStreamInfos) {
if (!streamInfo.stream.isAudioMuxedInVideo &&
streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex &&
!streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex.earliestReference()) {
* @param {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo} streamInfo
* @return {!Map<number, number>}
* @private
getMediaSequenceToStartTimeFor_(streamInfo) {
if (this.isLive_()) {
return this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_.get(streamInfo.type);
} else {
return streamInfo.mediaSequenceToStartTime;
* Updates a stream.
* @param {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo} streamInfo
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
async updateStream_(streamInfo) {
if (streamInfo.stream.isAudioMuxedInVideo) {
const manifestUris = [];
for (const uri of streamInfo.getUris()) {
const uriObj = new goog.Uri(uri);
const queryData = uriObj.getQueryData();
if (streamInfo.canBlockReload) {
if (streamInfo.nextMediaSequence >= 0) {
// Indicates that the server must hold the request until a Playlist
// contains a Media Segment with Media Sequence
queryData.add('_HLS_msn', String(streamInfo.nextMediaSequence));
if (streamInfo.nextPart >= 0) {
// Indicates, in combination with _HLS_msn, that the server must hold
// the request until a Playlist contains Partial Segment N of Media
// Sequence Number M or later.
queryData.add('_HLS_part', String(streamInfo.nextPart));
if (streamInfo.canSkipSegments) {
// Enable delta updates. This will replace older segments with
// 'EXT-X-SKIP' tag in the media playlist.
queryData.add('_HLS_skip', 'YES');
if (queryData.getCount()) {
let response;
try {
response = await this.requestManifest_(
manifestUris, /* isPlaylist= */ true).promise;
} catch (e) {
if (this.playerInterface_) {
throw e;
if (!streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex) {
// The stream was closed since the update was first requested.
/** @type {shaka.hls.Playlist} */
const playlist = this.manifestTextParser_.parsePlaylist(response.data);
if (playlist.type != shaka.hls.PlaylistType.MEDIA) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
// Record the final URI after redirects.
const responseUri = response.uri;
if (responseUri != response.originalUri &&
!streamInfo.getUris().includes(responseUri)) {
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const variablesTags = shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByName(playlist.tags,
const mediaVariables = this.parseMediaVariables_(
variablesTags, responseUri);
const stream = streamInfo.stream;
const mediaSequenceToStartTime =
const {keyIds, drmInfos, encrypted, aesEncrypted} =
await this.parseDrmInfo_(playlist, stream.mimeType,
streamInfo.getUris, mediaVariables);
if (!stream.encrypted && encrypted && !aesEncrypted) {
stream.encrypted = true;
const keysAreEqual =
(a, b) => a.size === b.size && [...a].every((value) => b.has(value));
if (!keysAreEqual(stream.keyIds, keyIds)) {
stream.keyIds = keyIds;
stream.drmInfos = drmInfos;
const {segments, bandwidth} = this.createSegments_(
playlist, mediaSequenceToStartTime, mediaVariables,
streamInfo.getUris, streamInfo.type);
if (bandwidth) {
stream.bandwidth = bandwidth;
const qualityInfo =
for (const segment of segments) {
if (segment.initSegmentReference) {
segment.initSegmentReference.mediaQuality = qualityInfo;
segments, this.presentationTimeline_.getSegmentAvailabilityStart());
if (segments.length) {
const mediaSequenceNumber = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithNameAsNumber(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE', 0);
const skipTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-SKIP');
const skippedSegments =
skipTag ? Number(skipTag.getAttributeValue('SKIPPED-SEGMENTS')) : 0;
const {nextMediaSequence, nextPart} =
this.getNextMediaSequenceAndPart_(mediaSequenceNumber, segments);
streamInfo.nextMediaSequence = nextMediaSequence + skippedSegments;
streamInfo.nextPart = nextPart;
const playlistStartTime = mediaSequenceToStartTime.get(
const oldSegment = stream.segmentIndex.earliestReference();
if (oldSegment) {
streamInfo.minTimestamp = oldSegment.startTime;
const newestSegment = segments[segments.length - 1];
goog.asserts.assert(newestSegment, 'Should have segments!');
streamInfo.maxTimestamp = newestSegment.endTime;
// Once the last segment has been added to the playlist,
// #EXT-X-ENDLIST tag will be appended.
// If that happened, treat the rest of the EVENT presentation as VOD.
const endListTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-ENDLIST');
if (endListTag) {
// Flag this for later. We don't convert the whole presentation into VOD
// until we've seen the ENDLIST tag for all active playlists.
streamInfo.hasEndList = true;
playlist.tags, stream.type, mediaVariables, streamInfo.getUris);
* @override
* @exportInterface
onExpirationUpdated(sessionId, expiration) {
// No-op
* @override
* @exportInterface
onInitialVariantChosen(variant) {
// No-op
* @override
* @exportInterface
banLocation(uri) {
if (this.contentSteeringManager_) {
* @override
* @exportInterface
setMediaElement(mediaElement) {
this.mediaElement_ = mediaElement;
* Align the streams by sequence number by dropping early segments. Then
* offset the streams to begin at presentation time 0.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} streamInfos
* @param {boolean=} force
* @private
syncStreamsWithSequenceNumber_(streamInfos, force = false) {
// We assume that, when this is first called, we have enough info to
// determine how to use the program date times (e.g. we have both a video
// and an audio, and all other videos and audios match those).
// Thus, we only need to calculate this once.
const updateMinSequenceNumber = this.minSequenceNumber_ == -1;
// Sync using media sequence number. Find the highest starting sequence
// number among all streams. Later, we will drop any references to
// earlier segments in other streams, then offset everything back to 0.
for (const streamInfo of streamInfos) {
const segmentIndex = streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex;
'Only loaded streams should be synced');
const mediaSequenceToStartTime =
const segment0 = segmentIndex.earliestReference();
if (segment0) {
// This looks inefficient, but iteration order is insertion order.
// So the very first entry should be the one we want.
// We assert that this holds true so that we are alerted by debug
// builds and tests if it changes. We still do a loop, though, so
// that the code functions correctly in production no matter what.
if (goog.DEBUG) {
const firstSequenceStartTime =
if (firstSequenceStartTime != segment0.startTime) {
'Sequence number map is not ordered as expected!');
for (const [sequence, start] of mediaSequenceToStartTime) {
if (start == segment0.startTime) {
if (updateMinSequenceNumber) {
this.minSequenceNumber_ = Math.max(
this.minSequenceNumber_, sequence);
// Even if we already have decided on a value for
// |this.minSequenceNumber_|, we still need to determine the first
// sequence number for the stream, to offset it in the code below.
streamInfo.firstSequenceNumber = sequence;
if (this.minSequenceNumber_ < 0) {
// Nothing to sync.
shaka.log.debug('Syncing HLS streams against base sequence number:',
for (const streamInfo of streamInfos) {
if (!this.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeFor_(streamInfo.type) && !force) {
const segmentIndex = streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex;
if (segmentIndex) {
// Drop any earlier references.
const numSegmentsToDrop =
this.minSequenceNumber_ - streamInfo.firstSequenceNumber;
if (numSegmentsToDrop > 0) {
// Now adjust timestamps back to begin at 0.
const segmentN = segmentIndex.earliestReference();
if (segmentN) {
const streamOffset = -segmentN.startTime;
// Modify all SegmentReferences equally.
// Update other parts of streamInfo the same way.
this.offsetStreamInfo_(streamInfo, streamOffset);
* Synchronize streams by the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags attached to their
* segments. Also normalizes segment times so that the earliest segment in
* any stream is at time 0.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} streamInfos
* @private
syncStreamsWithProgramDateTime_(streamInfos) {
// We assume that, when this is first called, we have enough info to
// determine how to use the program date times (e.g. we have both a video
// and an audio, and all other videos and audios match those).
// Thus, we only need to calculate this once.
if (this.lowestSyncTime_ == Infinity) {
for (const streamInfo of streamInfos) {
const segmentIndex = streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex;
'Only loaded streams should be synced');
const segment0 = segmentIndex.earliestReference();
if (segment0 != null && segment0.syncTime != null) {
this.lowestSyncTime_ =
Math.min(this.lowestSyncTime_, segment0.syncTime);
const lowestSyncTime = this.lowestSyncTime_;
if (lowestSyncTime == Infinity) {
// Nothing to sync.
shaka.log.debug('Syncing HLS streams against base time:', lowestSyncTime);
for (const streamInfo of this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values()) {
if (this.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeFor_(streamInfo.type)) {
const segmentIndex = streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex;
if (segmentIndex != null) {
// A segment's startTime should be based on its syncTime vs the lowest
// syncTime across all streams. The earliest segment sync time from
// any stream will become presentation time 0. If two streams start
// e.g. 6 seconds apart in syncTime, then their first segments will
// also start 6 seconds apart in presentation time.
const segment0 = segmentIndex.earliestReference();
if (!segment0) {
if (segment0.syncTime == null) {
shaka.log.alwaysError('Missing EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME for stream',
'Expect AV sync issues!');
} else {
// Stream metadata are offset by a fixed amount based on the
// first segment.
const segment0TargetTime = segment0.syncTime - lowestSyncTime;
const streamOffset = segment0TargetTime - segment0.startTime;
this.offsetStreamInfo_(streamInfo, streamOffset);
// This is computed across all segments separately to manage
// accumulated drift in durations.
for (const segment of segmentIndex) {
* @param {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo} streamInfo
* @param {number} offset
* @private
offsetStreamInfo_(streamInfo, offset) {
// Adjust our accounting of the minimum timestamp.
streamInfo.minTimestamp += offset;
// Adjust our accounting of the maximum timestamp.
streamInfo.maxTimestamp += offset;
goog.asserts.assert(streamInfo.maxTimestamp >= 0,
'Negative maxTimestamp after adjustment!');
// Update our map from sequence number to start time.
const mediaSequenceToStartTime =
for (const [key, value] of mediaSequenceToStartTime) {
mediaSequenceToStartTime.set(key, value + offset);
shaka.log.debug('Offset', offset, 'applied to',
* Parses the manifest.
* @param {BufferSource} data
* @param {string} uri
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
async parseManifest_(data, uri) {
const Utils = shaka.hls.Utils;
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
'Master playlist URI must be set before calling parseManifest_!');
const playlist = this.manifestTextParser_.parsePlaylist(data);
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const variablesTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-DEFINE');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.extern.Variant>} */
let variants = [];
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>} */
let textStreams = [];
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>} */
let imageStreams = [];
// This assert is our own sanity check.
goog.asserts.assert(this.presentationTimeline_ == null,
'Presentation timeline created early!');
// We don't know if the presentation is VOD or live until we parse at least
// one media playlist, so make a VOD-style presentation timeline for now
// and change the type later if we discover this is live.
// Since the player will load the first variant chosen early in the process,
// there isn't a window during playback where the live-ness is unknown.
this.presentationTimeline_ = new shaka.media.PresentationTimeline(
/* presentationStartTime= */ null, /* delay= */ 0);
const getUris = () => {
return [uri];
/** @type {?string} */
let mediaPlaylistType = null;
/** @type {!Map<string, string>} */
let mediaVariables = new Map();
// Parsing a media playlist results in a single-variant stream.
if (playlist.type == shaka.hls.PlaylistType.MEDIA) {
this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ = false;
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const variablesTags = shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByName(playlist.tags,
mediaVariables = this.parseMediaVariables_(
variablesTags, this.masterPlaylistUri_);
// By default we assume it is video, but in a later step the correct type
// is obtained.
mediaPlaylistType = ContentType.VIDEO;
// These values can be obtained later so these default values are good.
const codecs = '';
const languageValue = '';
const channelsCount = null;
const sampleRate = null;
const closedCaptions = new Map();
const spatialAudio = false;
const characteristics = null;
const forced = false; // Only relevant for text.
const primary = true; // This is the only stream!
const name = 'Media Playlist';
// Make the stream info, with those values.
const streamInfo = await this.convertParsedPlaylistIntoStreamInfo_(
this.globalId_++, mediaVariables, playlist, getUris, uri, codecs,
mediaPlaylistType, languageValue, primary, name, channelsCount,
closedCaptions, characteristics, forced, sampleRate, spatialAudio);
this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.set(uri, streamInfo);
if (streamInfo.stream) {
const qualityInfo =
(reference) => {
if (reference.initSegmentReference) {
reference.initSegmentReference.mediaQuality = qualityInfo;
mediaPlaylistType = streamInfo.stream.type;
// Wrap the stream from that stream info with a variant.
id: 0,
language: this.getLanguage_(languageValue),
disabledUntilTime: 0,
primary: true,
audio: mediaPlaylistType == 'audio' ? streamInfo.stream : null,
video: mediaPlaylistType == 'video' ? streamInfo.stream : null,
bandwidth: streamInfo.stream.bandwidth || 0,
allowedByApplication: true,
allowedByKeySystem: true,
decodingInfos: [],
} else {
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const mediaTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-MEDIA');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const variantTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const imageTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const iFrameTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const sessionKeyTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-SESSION-KEY');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const sessionDataTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-SESSION-DATA');
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const contentSteeringTags = Utils.filterTagsByName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-CONTENT-STEERING');
await this.processContentSteering_(contentSteeringTags);
if (!this.config_.hls.ignoreSupplementalCodecs) {
// Duplicate variant tags with supplementalCodecs
const newVariantTags = [];
for (const tag of variantTags) {
const supplementalCodecsString =
if (!supplementalCodecsString) {
const supplementalCodecs = supplementalCodecsString.split(/\s*,\s*/)
.map((codec) => {
return codec.split('/')[0];
const newAttributes = tag.attributes.map((attr) => {
const name = attr.name;
let value = attr.value;
if (name == 'CODECS') {
value = supplementalCodecs.join(',');
return new shaka.hls.Attribute(name, value);
new shaka.hls.Tag(tag.id, tag.name, newAttributes, null));
// Duplicate iFrame tags with supplementalCodecs
const newIFrameTags = [];
for (const tag of iFrameTags) {
const supplementalCodecsString =
if (!supplementalCodecsString) {
const supplementalCodecs = supplementalCodecsString.split(/\s*,\s*/)
.map((codec) => {
return codec.split('/')[0];
const newAttributes = tag.attributes.map((attr) => {
const name = attr.name;
let value = attr.value;
if (name == 'CODECS') {
value = supplementalCodecs.join(',');
return new shaka.hls.Attribute(name, value);
new shaka.hls.Tag(tag.id, tag.name, newAttributes, null));
const iFrameStreams = this.parseIFrames_(iFrameTags);
variants = await this.createVariantsForTags_(
variantTags, sessionKeyTags, mediaTags, getUris,
this.globalVariables_, iFrameStreams);
textStreams = this.parseTexts_(mediaTags);
imageStreams = await this.parseImages_(imageTags, iFrameTags);
// Make sure that the parser has not been destroyed.
if (!this.playerInterface_) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
// Single-variant streams aren't lazy-loaded, so for them we already have
// enough info here to determine the presentation type and duration.
if (playlist.type == shaka.hls.PlaylistType.MEDIA) {
if (this.isLive_()) {
const delay = this.getUpdatePlaylistDelay_();
this.updatePlaylistTimer_.tickAfter(/* seconds= */ delay);
const streamInfos = Array.from(this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values());
'mediaPlaylistType should be non-null');
playlist.tags, mediaPlaylistType, mediaVariables, getUris);
this.manifest_ = {
presentationTimeline: this.presentationTimeline_,
offlineSessionIds: [],
sequenceMode: this.config_.hls.sequenceMode,
type: shaka.media.ManifestParser.HLS,
serviceDescription: null,
nextUrl: null,
periodCount: 1,
gapCount: 0,
isLowLatency: false,
startTime: this.startTime_,
// If there is no 'CODECS' attribute in the manifest and codec guessing is
// disabled, we need to create the segment indexes now so that missing info
// can be parsed from the media data and added to the stream objects.
if (!this.codecInfoInManifest_ && this.config_.hls.disableCodecGuessing) {
const createIndexes = [];
for (const variant of this.manifest_.variants) {
if (variant.audio && variant.audio.codecs === '') {
if (variant.video && variant.video.codecs === '') {
await Promise.all(createIndexes);
* @param {!Array<!shaka.media.SegmentReference>} segments
* @return {!Promise<shaka.media.SegmentUtils.BasicInfo>}
* @private
async getBasicInfoFromSegments_(segments) {
const HlsParser = shaka.hls.HlsParser;
const defaultBasicInfo = shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getBasicInfoFromMimeType(
if (!segments.length) {
return defaultBasicInfo;
const {segment, segmentIndex} = this.getAvailableSegment_(segments);
const segmentUris = segment.getUris();
const segmentUri = segmentUris[0];
const parsedUri = new goog.Uri(segmentUri);
const extension = parsedUri.getPath().split('.').pop();
const rawMimeType = HlsParser.RAW_FORMATS_TO_MIME_TYPES_.get(extension);
if (rawMimeType) {
return shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getBasicInfoFromMimeType(
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.SEGMENT;
let initData = null;
let initMimeType = null;
const initSegmentRef = segment.initSegmentReference;
if (initSegmentRef) {
const initSegmentRequest = shaka.util.Networking.createSegmentRequest(
initSegmentRef.getUris(), initSegmentRef.getStartByte(),
initSegmentRef.getEndByte(), this.config_.retryParameters);
const initType =
const initResponse = await this.makeNetworkRequest_(
initSegmentRequest, requestType, {type: initType}).promise;
initData = initResponse.data;
if (initSegmentRef.aesKey) {
initData = await shaka.media.SegmentUtils.aesDecrypt(
initData, initSegmentRef.aesKey, 0);
initMimeType = initResponse.headers['content-type'];
if (initMimeType) {
// Split the MIME type in case the server sent additional parameters.
initMimeType = initMimeType.split(';')[0].toLowerCase();
const segmentRequest = shaka.util.Networking.createSegmentRequest(
segment.getUris(), segment.getStartByte(), segment.getEndByte(),
const type = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.AdvancedRequestType.MEDIA_SEGMENT;
const response = await this.makeNetworkRequest_(
segmentRequest, requestType, {type}).promise;
let data = response.data;
if (segment.aesKey) {
data = await shaka.media.SegmentUtils.aesDecrypt(
data, segment.aesKey, segmentIndex);
let contentMimeType = response.headers['content-type'];
if (contentMimeType) {
// Split the MIME type in case the server sent additional parameters.
contentMimeType = contentMimeType.split(';')[0].toLowerCase();
const validMp4Extensions = [
const validMp4MimeType = [
if (shaka.util.TsParser.probe(
shaka.util.BufferUtils.toUint8(data))) {
const basicInfo = shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getBasicInfoFromTs(
data, this.config_.disableAudio, this.config_.disableVideo,
if (basicInfo) {
return basicInfo;
} else if (validMp4Extensions.includes(extension) ||
validMp4MimeType.includes(contentMimeType) ||
(initMimeType && validMp4MimeType.includes(initMimeType))) {
const basicInfo = shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getBasicInfoFromMp4(
initData, data, this.config_.disableText);
if (basicInfo) {
return basicInfo;
if (contentMimeType) {
return shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getBasicInfoFromMimeType(
if (initMimeType) {
return shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getBasicInfoFromMimeType(
return defaultBasicInfo;
/** @private */
determineDuration_() {
'Presentation timeline not created!');
if (this.isLive_()) {
// The spec says nothing much about seeking in live content, but Safari's
// built-in HLS implementation does not allow it. Therefore we will set
// the availability window equal to the presentation delay. The player
// will be able to buffer ahead three segments, but the seek window will
// be zero-sized.
const PresentationType = shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_;
if (this.presentationType_ == PresentationType.LIVE) {
let segmentAvailabilityDuration = this.getLiveDuration_() || 0;
// The app can override that with a longer duration, to allow seeking.
if (!isNaN(this.config_.availabilityWindowOverride)) {
segmentAvailabilityDuration = this.config_.availabilityWindowOverride;
} else {
// Use the minimum duration as the presentation duration.
if (!this.presentationTimeline_.isStartTimeLocked()) {
for (const streamInfo of this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values()) {
if (!streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex) {
continue; // Not active.
if (streamInfo.type != 'audio' && streamInfo.type != 'video') {
const firstReference =
if (firstReference && firstReference.syncTime) {
const syncTime = firstReference.syncTime;
// This is the first point where we have a meaningful presentation start
// time, and we need to tell PresentationTimeline that so that it can
// maintain consistency from here on.
// This asserts that the live edge is being calculated from segment times.
// For VOD and event streams, this check should still pass.
'We should not be using the presentation start time in HLS!');
* Get the variables of each variant tag, and store in a map.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags Variant tags from the playlist.
* @private
parseMasterVariables_(tags) {
const queryParams = new goog.Uri(this.masterPlaylistUri_).getQueryData();
for (const variableTag of tags) {
const name = variableTag.getAttributeValue('NAME');
const value = variableTag.getAttributeValue('VALUE');
const queryParam = variableTag.getAttributeValue('QUERYPARAM');
if (name && value) {
if (!this.globalVariables_.has(name)) {
this.globalVariables_.set(name, value);
if (queryParam) {
const queryParamValue = queryParams.get(queryParam)[0];
if (queryParamValue && !this.globalVariables_.has(queryParamValue)) {
this.globalVariables_.set(queryParam, queryParamValue);
* Get the variables of each variant tag, and store in a map.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags Variant tags from the playlist.
* @param {string} uri Media playlist URI.
* @return {!Map<string, string>}
* @private
parseMediaVariables_(tags, uri) {
const queryParams = new goog.Uri(uri).getQueryData();
const mediaVariables = new Map();
for (const variableTag of tags) {
const name = variableTag.getAttributeValue('NAME');
const value = variableTag.getAttributeValue('VALUE');
const queryParam = variableTag.getAttributeValue('QUERYPARAM');
const mediaImport = variableTag.getAttributeValue('IMPORT');
if (name && value) {
if (!mediaVariables.has(name)) {
mediaVariables.set(name, value);
if (queryParam) {
const queryParamValue = queryParams.get(queryParam)[0];
if (queryParamValue && !mediaVariables.has(queryParamValue)) {
mediaVariables.set(queryParam, queryParamValue);
if (mediaImport) {
const globalValue = this.globalVariables_.get(mediaImport);
if (globalValue) {
mediaVariables.set(mediaImport, globalValue);
return mediaVariables;
* Get the codecs of each variant tag, and store in a map from
* audio/video/subtitle group id to the codecs array list.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags Variant tags from the playlist.
* @private
parseCodecs_(tags) {
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
for (const variantTag of tags) {
const audioGroupId = variantTag.getAttributeValue('AUDIO');
const videoGroupId = variantTag.getAttributeValue('VIDEO');
const subGroupId = variantTag.getAttributeValue('SUBTITLES');
const allCodecs = this.getCodecsForVariantTag_(variantTag);
if (subGroupId) {
const textCodecs = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.guessCodecsSafe(
ContentType.TEXT, allCodecs);
goog.asserts.assert(textCodecs != null, 'Text codecs should be valid.');
this.groupIdToCodecsMap_.set(subGroupId, textCodecs);
shaka.util.ArrayUtils.remove(allCodecs, textCodecs);
if (audioGroupId) {
let codecs = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.guessCodecsSafe(
ContentType.AUDIO, allCodecs);
if (!codecs) {
codecs = this.config_.hls.defaultAudioCodec;
this.groupIdToCodecsMap_.set(audioGroupId, codecs);
if (videoGroupId) {
let codecs = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.guessCodecsSafe(
ContentType.VIDEO, allCodecs);
if (!codecs) {
codecs = this.config_.hls.defaultVideoCodec;
this.groupIdToCodecsMap_.set(videoGroupId, codecs);
* Process EXT-X-SESSION-DATA tags.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @private
processSessionData_(tags) {
for (const tag of tags) {
const id = tag.getAttributeValue('DATA-ID');
const uri = tag.getAttributeValue('URI');
const language = tag.getAttributeValue('LANGUAGE');
const value = tag.getAttributeValue('VALUE');
const data = (new Map()).set('id', id);
if (uri) {
data.set('uri', shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(
[this.masterPlaylistUri_], uri, this.globalVariables_)[0]);
if (language) {
data.set('language', language);
if (value) {
data.set('value', value);
const event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('sessiondata', data);
if (this.playerInterface_) {
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
async processContentSteering_(tags) {
if (!this.playerInterface_ || !this.config_) {
let contentSteeringPromise;
for (const tag of tags) {
const defaultPathwayId = tag.getAttributeValue('PATHWAY-ID');
const uri = tag.getAttributeValue('SERVER-URI');
if (!defaultPathwayId || !uri) {
this.contentSteeringManager_ =
new shaka.util.ContentSteeringManager(this.playerInterface_);
contentSteeringPromise =
await contentSteeringPromise;
* Parse Subtitles and Closed Captions from 'EXT-X-MEDIA' tags.
* Create text streams for Subtitles, but not Closed Captions.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} mediaTags Media tags from the playlist.
* @return {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>}
* @private
parseTexts_(mediaTags) {
// Create text stream for each Subtitle media tag.
const subtitleTags =
shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByType(mediaTags, 'SUBTITLES');
const textStreams = subtitleTags.map((tag) => {
const disableText = this.config_.disableText;
if (disableText) {
return null;
try {
return this.createStreamInfoFromMediaTags_([tag], new Map()).stream;
} catch (e) {
if (this.config_.hls.ignoreTextStreamFailures) {
return null;
throw e;
const type = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT;
// Set the codecs for text streams.
for (const tag of subtitleTags) {
const groupId = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('GROUP-ID');
const codecs = this.groupIdToCodecsMap_.get(groupId);
if (codecs) {
const textStreamInfos = this.groupIdToStreamInfosMap_.get(groupId);
if (textStreamInfos) {
for (const textStreamInfo of textStreamInfos) {
textStreamInfo.stream.codecs = codecs;
textStreamInfo.stream.mimeType =
this.guessMimeTypeBeforeLoading_(type, codecs) ||
// Do not create text streams for Closed captions.
return textStreams.filter((s) => s);
* @param {!shaka.extern.Stream} stream
* @private
setFullTypeForStream_(stream) {
const combinations = new Set([shaka.util.MimeUtils.getFullType(
stream.mimeType, stream.codecs)]);
if (stream.segmentIndex) {
stream.segmentIndex.forEachTopLevelReference((reference) => {
if (reference.mimeType) {
reference.mimeType, stream.codecs));
stream.fullMimeTypes = combinations;
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} imageTags from the playlist.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} iFrameTags from the playlist.
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>>}
* @private
async parseImages_(imageTags, iFrameTags) {
// Create image stream for each image tag.
const imageStreamPromises = imageTags.map(async (tag) => {
const disableThumbnails = this.config_.disableThumbnails;
if (disableThumbnails) {
return null;
try {
const streamInfo = await this.createStreamInfoFromImageTag_(tag);
return streamInfo.stream;
} catch (e) {
if (this.config_.hls.ignoreImageStreamFailures) {
return null;
throw e;
}).concat(iFrameTags.map((tag) => {
const disableThumbnails = this.config_.disableThumbnails;
if (disableThumbnails) {
return null;
try {
const streamInfo = this.createStreamInfoFromIframeTag_(tag);
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
if (streamInfo.stream.type !== ContentType.IMAGE) {
return null;
return streamInfo.stream;
} catch (e) {
if (this.config_.hls.ignoreImageStreamFailures) {
return null;
throw e;
const imageStreams = await Promise.all(imageStreamPromises);
return imageStreams.filter((s) => s);
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} mediaTags Media tags from the playlist.
* @param {!Map<string, string>} groupIdPathwayIdMapping
* @private
createStreamInfosFromMediaTags_(mediaTags, groupIdPathwayIdMapping) {
// Filter out subtitles and media tags without uri (except audio).
mediaTags = mediaTags.filter((tag) => {
const uri = tag.getAttributeValue('URI') || '';
const type = tag.getAttributeValue('TYPE');
return type != 'SUBTITLES' && (uri != '' || type == 'AUDIO');
const groupedTags = {};
for (const tag of mediaTags) {
const key = tag.getTagKey(!this.contentSteeringManager_);
if (!groupedTags[key]) {
groupedTags[key] = [tag];
} else {
for (const key in groupedTags) {
// Create stream info for each audio / video media grouped tag.
groupedTags[key], groupIdPathwayIdMapping, /* requireUri= */ false);
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} iFrameTags from the playlist.
* @return {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>}
* @private
parseIFrames_(iFrameTags) {
// Create iFrame stream for each iFrame tag.
const iFrameStreams = iFrameTags.map((tag) => {
const streamInfo = this.createStreamInfoFromIframeTag_(tag);
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
if (streamInfo.stream.type !== ContentType.VIDEO) {
return null;
return streamInfo.stream;
// Filter mjpg iFrames
return iFrameStreams.filter((s) => s);
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags Variant tags from the playlist.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} sessionKeyTags EXT-X-SESSION-KEY tags
* from the playlist.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} mediaTags EXT-X-MEDIA tags from the
* playlist.
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {?Map<string, string>} variables
* @param {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>} iFrameStreams
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!shaka.extern.Variant>>}
* @private
async createVariantsForTags_(tags, sessionKeyTags, mediaTags, getUris,
variables, iFrameStreams) {
// EXT-X-SESSION-KEY processing
const drmInfos = [];
const keyIds = new Set();
if (sessionKeyTags.length > 0) {
for (const drmTag of sessionKeyTags) {
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
// According to the HLS spec, KEYFORMAT is optional and implicitly
// defaults to "identity".
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-11#section-
const keyFormat =
drmTag.getAttributeValue('KEYFORMAT') || 'identity';
let drmInfo = null;
if (method == 'NONE') {
} else if (this.isAesMethod_(method)) {
const keyUris = shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(
getUris(), drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI'), variables);
const keyMapKey = keyUris.sort().join('');
if (!this.aesKeyMap_.has(keyMapKey)) {
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.KEY;
const request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
keyUris, this.config_.retryParameters);
const keyResponse = this.makeNetworkRequest_(request, requestType)
this.aesKeyMap_.set(keyMapKey, keyResponse);
} else if (keyFormat == 'identity') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
drmInfo = await this.identityDrmParser_(
drmTag, /* mimeType= */ '', getUris,
/* initSegmentRef= */ null, variables);
} else {
const drmParser =
drmInfo = drmParser ?
drmParser(drmTag, /* mimeType= */ '') : null;
if (drmInfo) {
if (drmInfo.keyIds) {
for (const keyId of drmInfo.keyIds) {
} else {
shaka.log.warning('Unsupported HLS KEYFORMAT', keyFormat);
const groupedTags = {};
for (const tag of tags) {
const key = tag.getTagKey(!this.contentSteeringManager_);
if (!groupedTags[key]) {
groupedTags[key] = [tag];
} else {
const allVariants = [];
// Create variants for each group of variant tag.
for (const key in groupedTags) {
const tags = groupedTags[key];
const firstTag = tags[0];
const frameRate = firstTag.getAttributeValue('FRAME-RATE');
const bandwidth =
Number(firstTag.getAttributeValue('AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH')) ||
const resolution = firstTag.getAttributeValue('RESOLUTION');
const [width, height] = resolution ? resolution.split('x') : [null, null];
const videoRange = firstTag.getAttributeValue('VIDEO-RANGE');
let videoLayout = firstTag.getAttributeValue('REQ-VIDEO-LAYOUT');
if (videoLayout && videoLayout.includes(',')) {
// If multiple video layout strings are present, pick the first valid
// one.
const layoutStrings = videoLayout.split(',').filter((layoutString) => {
return layoutString == 'CH-STEREO' || layoutString == 'CH-MONO';
videoLayout = layoutStrings[0];
// According to the HLS spec:
// By default a video variant is monoscopic, so an attribute
// consisting entirely of REQ-VIDEO-LAYOUT="CH-MONO" is unnecessary
// and SHOULD NOT be present.
videoLayout = videoLayout || 'CH-MONO';
const streamInfos = this.createStreamInfosForVariantTags_(tags,
mediaTags, resolution, frameRate);
goog.asserts.assert(streamInfos.audio.length ||
streamInfos.video.length, 'We should have created a stream!');
return allVariants.filter((variant) => variant != null);
* Create audio and video streamInfos from an 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF' tag and its
* related media tags.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} mediaTags
* @param {?string} resolution
* @param {?string} frameRate
* @return {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfos}
* @private
createStreamInfosForVariantTags_(tags, mediaTags, resolution, frameRate) {
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
/** @type {shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfos} */
const res = {
audio: [],
video: [],
const groupIdPathwayIdMapping = new Map();
const globalGroupIds = [];
let isAudioGroup = false;
let isVideoGroup = false;
for (const tag of tags) {
const audioGroupId = tag.getAttributeValue('AUDIO');
const videoGroupId = tag.getAttributeValue('VIDEO');
goog.asserts.assert(audioGroupId == null || videoGroupId == null,
'Unexpected: both video and audio described by media tags!');
const groupId = audioGroupId || videoGroupId;
if (!groupId) {
if (!globalGroupIds.includes(groupId)) {
const pathwayId = tag.getAttributeValue('PATHWAY-ID');
if (pathwayId) {
groupIdPathwayIdMapping.set(groupId, pathwayId);
if (audioGroupId) {
isAudioGroup = true;
} else if (videoGroupId) {
isVideoGroup = true;
// Make an educated guess about the stream type.
shaka.log.debug('Guessing stream type for', tag.toString());
if (globalGroupIds.length && mediaTags.length) {
const mediaTagsForVariant = mediaTags.filter((tag) => {
return globalGroupIds.includes(tag.getRequiredAttrValue('GROUP-ID'));
mediaTagsForVariant, groupIdPathwayIdMapping);
const globalGroupId = globalGroupIds.sort().join(',');
const streamInfos =
(globalGroupId && this.groupIdToStreamInfosMap_.has(globalGroupId)) ?
this.groupIdToStreamInfosMap_.get(globalGroupId) : [];
if (isAudioGroup) {
} else if (isVideoGroup) {
let type;
let ignoreStream = false;
// The Microsoft HLS manifest generators will make audio-only variants
// that link to their URI both directly and through an audio tag.
// In that case, ignore the local URI and use the version in the
// AUDIO tag, so you inherit its language.
// As an example, see the manifest linked in issue #860.
const allStreamUris = tags.map((tag) => tag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI'));
const hasSameUri = res.audio.find((audio) => {
return audio && audio.getUris().find((uri) => {
return allStreamUris.includes(uri);
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
let allCodecs = this.getCodecsForVariantTag_(tags[0]);
const videoCodecs = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.guessCodecsSafe(
ContentType.VIDEO, allCodecs);
const audioCodecs = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.guessCodecsSafe(
ContentType.AUDIO, allCodecs);
if (audioCodecs && !videoCodecs) {
// There are no associated media tags, and there's only audio codec,
// and no video codec, so it should be audio.
type = ContentType.AUDIO;
shaka.log.debug('Guessing audio-only.');
ignoreStream = res.audio.length > 0;
} else if (!res.audio.length && !res.video.length &&
audioCodecs && videoCodecs) {
// There are both audio and video codecs, so assume multiplexed content.
// Note that the default used when CODECS is missing assumes multiple
// (and therefore multiplexed).
// Recombine the codec strings into one so that MediaSource isn't
// lied to later. (That would trigger an error in Chrome.)
shaka.log.debug('Guessing multiplexed audio+video.');
type = ContentType.VIDEO;
allCodecs = [[videoCodecs, audioCodecs].join(',')];
} else if (res.audio.length && hasSameUri) {
shaka.log.debug('Guessing audio-only.');
type = ContentType.AUDIO;
ignoreStream = true;
} else if (res.video.length && !res.audio.length) {
// There are associated video streams. Assume this is audio.
shaka.log.debug('Guessing audio-only.');
type = ContentType.AUDIO;
} else {
shaka.log.debug('Guessing video-only.');
type = ContentType.VIDEO;
if (!ignoreStream) {
const streamInfo =
this.createStreamInfoFromVariantTags_(tags, allCodecs, type);
if (globalGroupId) {
streamInfo.stream.groupId = globalGroupId;
res[streamInfo.stream.type] = [streamInfo];
return res;
* Get the codecs from the 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF' tag.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {!Array<string>} codecs
* @private
getCodecsForVariantTag_(tag) {
let codecsString = tag.getAttributeValue('CODECS') || '';
this.codecInfoInManifest_ = codecsString.length > 0;
if (!this.codecInfoInManifest_ && !this.config_.hls.disableCodecGuessing) {
// These are the default codecs to assume if none are specified.
const defaultCodecsArray = [];
if (!this.config_.disableVideo) {
if (!this.config_.disableAudio) {
codecsString = defaultCodecsArray.join(',');
// Strip out internal whitespace while splitting on commas:
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
const codecs = codecsString.split(/\s*,\s*/);
return shaka.media.SegmentUtils.codecsFiltering(codecs);
* Get the channel count information for an HLS audio track.
* CHANNELS specifies an ordered, "/" separated list of parameters.
* If the type is audio, the first parameter will be a decimal integer
* specifying the number of independent, simultaneous audio channels.
* No other channels parameters are currently defined.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {?number}
* @private
getChannelsCount_(tag) {
const channels = tag.getAttributeValue('CHANNELS');
if (!channels) {
return null;
const channelCountString = channels.split('/')[0];
const count = parseInt(channelCountString, 10);
return count;
* Get the sample rate information for an HLS audio track.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {?number}
* @private
getSampleRate_(tag) {
const sampleRate = tag.getAttributeValue('SAMPLE-RATE');
if (!sampleRate) {
return null;
return parseInt(sampleRate, 10);
* Get the spatial audio information for an HLS audio track.
* In HLS the channels field indicates the number of audio channels that the
* stream has (eg: 2). In the case of Dolby Atmos, the complexity is
* expressed with the number of channels followed by the word JOC
* (eg: 16/JOC), so 16 would be the number of channels (eg: 7.3.6 layout),
* and JOC indicates that the stream has spatial audio.
* @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/http_live_streaming/hls_authoring_specification_for_apple_devices/hls_authoring_specification_for_apple_devices_appendixes
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isSpatialAudio_(tag) {
const channels = tag.getAttributeValue('CHANNELS');
if (!channels) {
return false;
return channels.includes('/JOC');
* Get the closed captions map information for the EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag, to
* create the stream info.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @param {string} type
* @return {Map<string, string>} closedCaptions
* @private
getClosedCaptions_(tag, type) {
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
// The attribute of closed captions is optional, and the value may be
// 'NONE'.
const closedCaptionsAttr = tag.getAttributeValue('CLOSED-CAPTIONS');
// EXT-X-STREAM-INF tags may have CLOSED-CAPTIONS attributes.
// The value can be either a quoted-string or an enumerated-string with
// the value NONE. If the value is a quoted-string, it MUST match the
// value of the GROUP-ID attribute of an EXT-X-MEDIA tag elsewhere in the
// Playlist whose TYPE attribute is CLOSED-CAPTIONS.
if (type == ContentType.VIDEO ) {
if (this.config_.disableText) {
this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ = false;
return null;
if (closedCaptionsAttr) {
if (closedCaptionsAttr != 'NONE') {
return this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.get(closedCaptionsAttr);
this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ = false;
} else if (!closedCaptionsAttr && this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.size) {
for (const key of this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.keys()) {
return this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.get(key);
return null;
* Get the normalized language value.
* @param {?string} languageValue
* @return {string}
* @private
getLanguage_(languageValue) {
const LanguageUtils = shaka.util.LanguageUtils;
return LanguageUtils.normalize(languageValue || 'und');
* Get the type value.
* Shaka recognizes the content types 'audio', 'video', 'text', and 'image'.
* The HLS 'subtitles' type needs to be mapped to 'text'.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {string}
* @private
getType_(tag) {
let type = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('TYPE').toLowerCase();
if (type == 'subtitles') {
type = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT;
return type;
* @param {!Array<shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} audioInfos
* @param {!Array<shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} videoInfos
* @param {number} bandwidth
* @param {?string} width
* @param {?string} height
* @param {?string} frameRate
* @param {?string} videoRange
* @param {?string} videoLayout
* @param {!Array<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>} drmInfos
* @param {!Set<string>} keyIds
* @param {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>} iFrameStreams
* @return {!Array<!shaka.extern.Variant>}
* @private
audioInfos, videoInfos, bandwidth, width, height, frameRate, videoRange,
videoLayout, drmInfos, keyIds, iFrameStreams) {
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
const DrmUtils = shaka.drm.DrmUtils;
for (const info of videoInfos) {
info.stream, width, height, frameRate, videoRange, videoLayout,
/** colorGamut= */ null);
// In case of audio-only or video-only content or the audio/video is
// disabled by the config, we create an array of one item containing
// a null. This way, the double-loop works for all kinds of content.
// NOTE: we currently don't have support for audio-only content.
const disableAudio = this.config_.disableAudio;
if (!audioInfos.length || disableAudio) {
audioInfos = [null];
const disableVideo = this.config_.disableVideo;
if (!videoInfos.length || disableVideo) {
videoInfos = [null];
const variants = [];
for (const audioInfo of audioInfos) {
for (const videoInfo of videoInfos) {
const audioStream = audioInfo ? audioInfo.stream : null;
if (audioStream) {
audioStream.drmInfos = drmInfos;
audioStream.keyIds = keyIds;
const videoStream = videoInfo ? videoInfo.stream : null;
if (videoStream) {
videoStream.drmInfos = drmInfos;
videoStream.keyIds = keyIds;
if (!this.config_.disableIFrames) {
videoStream, iFrameStreams);
if (videoStream && !audioStream) {
videoStream.bandwidth = bandwidth;
if (!videoStream && audioStream) {
audioStream.bandwidth = bandwidth;
const audioDrmInfos = audioInfo ? audioInfo.stream.drmInfos : null;
const videoDrmInfos = videoInfo ? videoInfo.stream.drmInfos : null;
const videoStreamUri =
videoInfo ? videoInfo.getUris().sort().join(',') : '';
const audioStreamUri =
audioInfo ? audioInfo.getUris().sort().join(',') : '';
const codecs = [];
if (audioStream && audioStream.codecs) {
if (videoStream && videoStream.codecs) {
const variantUriKey = [
if (audioStream && videoStream) {
if (!DrmUtils.areDrmCompatible(audioDrmInfos, videoDrmInfos)) {
'Incompatible DRM info in HLS variant. Skipping.');
if (this.variantUriSet_.has(variantUriKey)) {
// This happens when two variants only differ in their text streams.
'Skipping variant which only differs in text streams.');
// Since both audio and video are of the same type, this assertion will
// catch certain mistakes at runtime that the compiler would miss.
goog.asserts.assert(!audioStream ||
audioStream.type == ContentType.AUDIO, 'Audio parameter mismatch!');
goog.asserts.assert(!videoStream ||
videoStream.type == ContentType.VIDEO, 'Video parameter mismatch!');
const variant = {
id: this.globalId_++,
language: audioStream ? audioStream.language : 'und',
disabledUntilTime: 0,
primary: (!!audioStream && audioStream.primary) ||
(!!videoStream && videoStream.primary),
audio: audioStream,
video: videoStream,
allowedByApplication: true,
allowedByKeySystem: true,
decodingInfos: [],
return variants;
* Parses an array of EXT-X-MEDIA tags, then stores the values of all tags
* with TYPE="CLOSED-CAPTIONS" into a map of group id to closed captions.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} mediaTags
* @private
parseClosedCaptions_(mediaTags) {
const closedCaptionsTags =
shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByType(mediaTags, 'CLOSED-CAPTIONS');
this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ = closedCaptionsTags.length == 0;
for (const tag of closedCaptionsTags) {
goog.asserts.assert(tag.name == 'EXT-X-MEDIA',
'Should only be called on media tags!');
const languageValue = tag.getAttributeValue('LANGUAGE');
let language = this.getLanguage_(languageValue);
if (!languageValue) {
const nameValue = tag.getAttributeValue('NAME');
if (nameValue) {
language = nameValue;
// The GROUP-ID value is a quoted-string that specifies the group to which
// the Rendition belongs.
const groupId = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('GROUP-ID');
// The value of INSTREAM-ID is a quoted-string that specifies a Rendition
// within the segments in the Media Playlist. This attribute is REQUIRED
// if the TYPE attribute is CLOSED-CAPTIONS.
// We need replace SERVICE string by our internal svc string.
const instreamId = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('INSTREAM-ID')
.replace('SERVICE', 'svc');
if (!this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.get(groupId)) {
this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.set(groupId, new Map());
this.groupIdToClosedCaptionsMap_.get(groupId).set(instreamId, language);
* Parse EXT-X-MEDIA media tag into a Stream object.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @param {!Map<string, string>} groupIdPathwayIdMapping
* @param {boolean=} requireUri
* @return {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo}
* @private
createStreamInfoFromMediaTags_(tags, groupIdPathwayIdMapping,
requireUri = true) {
const verbatimMediaPlaylistUris = [];
const globalGroupIds = [];
const groupIdUriMapping = new Map();
for (const tag of tags) {
goog.asserts.assert(tag.name == 'EXT-X-MEDIA',
'Should only be called on media tags!');
const uri = requireUri ? tag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI') :
(tag.getAttributeValue('URI') || shaka.hls.HlsParser.FAKE_MUXED_URL_);
const groupId = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('GROUP-ID');
groupIdUriMapping.set(groupId, uri);
const globalGroupId = globalGroupIds.sort().join(',');
const firstTag = tags[0];
let codecs = '';
/** @type {string} */
const type = this.getType_(firstTag);
if (type == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT) {
codecs = firstTag.getAttributeValue('CODECS') || '';
} else {
for (const groupId of globalGroupIds) {
if (this.groupIdToCodecsMap_.has(groupId)) {
codecs = this.groupIdToCodecsMap_.get(groupId);
// Check if the stream has already been created as part of another Variant
// and return it if it has.
const key = verbatimMediaPlaylistUris.sort().join(',');
if (this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.has(key)) {
return this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.get(key);
const streamId = this.globalId_++;
if (this.contentSteeringManager_) {
for (const [groupId, uri] of groupIdUriMapping) {
const pathwayId = groupIdPathwayIdMapping.get(groupId);
if (pathwayId) {
this.contentSteeringManager_.addLocation(streamId, pathwayId, uri);
const language = firstTag.getAttributeValue('LANGUAGE');
const name = firstTag.getAttributeValue('NAME');
// NOTE: According to the HLS spec, "DEFAULT=YES" requires "AUTOSELECT=YES".
// However, we don't bother to validate "AUTOSELECT", since we don't
// actually use it in our streaming model, and we treat everything as
// "AUTOSELECT=YES". A value of "AUTOSELECT=NO" would imply that it may
// only be selected explicitly by the user, and we don't have a way to
// represent that in our model.
const defaultAttrValue = firstTag.getAttributeValue('DEFAULT');
const primary = defaultAttrValue == 'YES';
const channelsCount =
type == 'audio' ? this.getChannelsCount_(firstTag) : null;
const spatialAudio =
type == 'audio' ? this.isSpatialAudio_(firstTag) : false;
const characteristics = firstTag.getAttributeValue('CHARACTERISTICS');
const forcedAttrValue = firstTag.getAttributeValue('FORCED');
const forced = forcedAttrValue == 'YES';
const sampleRate = type == 'audio' ? this.getSampleRate_(firstTag) : null;
// TODO: Should we take into account some of the currently ignored
// attributes: INSTREAM-ID, Attribute descriptions: https://bit.ly/2lpjOhj
const streamInfo = this.createStreamInfo_(
streamId, verbatimMediaPlaylistUris, codecs, type, language,
primary, name, channelsCount, /* closedCaptions= */ null,
characteristics, forced, sampleRate, spatialAudio);
if (streamInfo.stream) {
streamInfo.stream.groupId = globalGroupId;
if (this.groupIdToStreamInfosMap_.has(globalGroupId)) {
} else {
this.groupIdToStreamInfosMap_.set(globalGroupId, [streamInfo]);
this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.set(key, streamInfo);
return streamInfo;
* Parse EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF media tag into a Stream object.
* @param {shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {!Promise<!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>}
* @private
async createStreamInfoFromImageTag_(tag) {
goog.asserts.assert(tag.name == 'EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF',
'Should only be called on image tags!');
/** @type {string} */
const type = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.IMAGE;
const verbatimImagePlaylistUri = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const codecs = tag.getAttributeValue('CODECS', 'jpeg') || '';
// Check if the stream has already been created as part of another Variant
// and return it if it has.
if (this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.has(verbatimImagePlaylistUri)) {
return this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.get(verbatimImagePlaylistUri);
const language = tag.getAttributeValue('LANGUAGE');
const name = tag.getAttributeValue('NAME');
const characteristics = tag.getAttributeValue('CHARACTERISTICS');
const streamInfo = this.createStreamInfo_(
this.globalId_++, [verbatimImagePlaylistUri], codecs, type, language,
/* primary= */ false, name, /* channelsCount= */ null,
/* closedCaptions= */ null, characteristics, /* forced= */ false,
/* sampleRate= */ null, /* spatialAudio= */ false);
// Parse misc attributes.
const resolution = tag.getAttributeValue('RESOLUTION');
if (resolution) {
// The RESOLUTION tag represents the resolution of a single thumbnail, not
// of the entire sheet at once (like we expect in the output).
// So multiply by the layout size.
// Since we need to have generated the segment index for this, we can't
// lazy-load in this situation.
await streamInfo.stream.createSegmentIndex();
const reference = streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex.earliestReference();
const layout = reference.getTilesLayout();
if (layout) {
streamInfo.stream.width =
Number(resolution.split('x')[0]) * Number(layout.split('x')[0]);
streamInfo.stream.height =
Number(resolution.split('x')[1]) * Number(layout.split('x')[1]);
// TODO: What happens if there are multiple grids, with different
// layout sizes, inside this image stream?
const bandwidth = tag.getAttributeValue('BANDWIDTH');
if (bandwidth) {
streamInfo.stream.bandwidth = Number(bandwidth);
this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.set(verbatimImagePlaylistUri, streamInfo);
return streamInfo;
* Parse EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF media tag into a Stream object.
* @param {shaka.hls.Tag} tag
* @return {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo}
* @private
createStreamInfoFromIframeTag_(tag) {
goog.asserts.assert(tag.name == 'EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF',
'Should only be called on iframe tags!');
/** @type {string} */
let type = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.VIDEO;
const verbatimIFramePlaylistUri = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const codecs = tag.getAttributeValue('CODECS') || '';
if (codecs == 'mjpg') {
type = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.IMAGE;
// Check if the stream has already been created as part of another Variant
// and return it if it has.
if (this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.has(verbatimIFramePlaylistUri)) {
return this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.get(verbatimIFramePlaylistUri);
const language = tag.getAttributeValue('LANGUAGE');
const name = tag.getAttributeValue('NAME');
const characteristics = tag.getAttributeValue('CHARACTERISTICS');
const streamInfo = this.createStreamInfo_(
this.globalId_++, [verbatimIFramePlaylistUri], codecs, type, language,
/* primary= */ false, name, /* channelsCount= */ null,
/* closedCaptions= */ null, characteristics, /* forced= */ false,
/* sampleRate= */ null, /* spatialAudio= */ false);
// Parse misc attributes.
const resolution = tag.getAttributeValue('RESOLUTION');
const [width, height] = resolution ? resolution.split('x') : [null, null];
streamInfo.stream.width = Number(width) || undefined;
streamInfo.stream.height = Number(height) || undefined;
const bandwidth = tag.getAttributeValue('BANDWIDTH');
if (bandwidth) {
streamInfo.stream.bandwidth = Number(bandwidth);
this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.set(verbatimIFramePlaylistUri, streamInfo);
return streamInfo;
* Parse an EXT-X-STREAM-INF media tag into a Stream object.
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @param {!Array<string>} allCodecs
* @param {string} type
* @return {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo}
* @private
createStreamInfoFromVariantTags_(tags, allCodecs, type) {
const streamId = this.globalId_++;
const verbatimMediaPlaylistUris = [];
for (const tag of tags) {
goog.asserts.assert(tag.name == 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF',
'Should only be called on variant tags!');
const uri = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const pathwayId = tag.getAttributeValue('PATHWAY-ID');
if (this.contentSteeringManager_ && pathwayId) {
this.contentSteeringManager_.addLocation(streamId, pathwayId, uri);
const key = verbatimMediaPlaylistUris.sort().join(',') +
if (this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.has(key)) {
return this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.get(key);
const name = verbatimMediaPlaylistUris.join(',');
const closedCaptions = this.getClosedCaptions_(tags[0], type);
const codecs = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.guessCodecs(type, allCodecs);
const streamInfo = this.createStreamInfo_(
streamId, verbatimMediaPlaylistUris,
codecs, type, /* language= */ null, /* primary= */ false,
name, /* channelCount= */ null, closedCaptions,
/* characteristics= */ null, /* forced= */ false,
/* sampleRate= */ null, /* spatialAudio= */ false);
this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.set(key, streamInfo);
return streamInfo;
* @param {number} streamId
* @param {!Array<string>} verbatimMediaPlaylistUris
* @param {string} codecs
* @param {string} type
* @param {?string} languageValue
* @param {boolean} primary
* @param {?string} name
* @param {?number} channelsCount
* @param {Map<string, string>} closedCaptions
* @param {?string} characteristics
* @param {boolean} forced
* @param {?number} sampleRate
* @param {boolean} spatialAudio
* @return {!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo}
* @private
createStreamInfo_(streamId, verbatimMediaPlaylistUris, codecs, type,
languageValue, primary, name, channelsCount, closedCaptions,
characteristics, forced, sampleRate, spatialAudio) {
// TODO: Refactor, too many parameters
// This stream is lazy-loaded inside the createSegmentIndex function.
// So we start out with a stream object that does not contain the actual
// segment index, then download when createSegmentIndex is called.
const stream = this.makeStreamObject_(streamId, codecs, type,
languageValue, primary, name, channelsCount, closedCaptions,
characteristics, forced, sampleRate, spatialAudio);
const FAKE_MUXED_URL_ = shaka.hls.HlsParser.FAKE_MUXED_URL_;
if (verbatimMediaPlaylistUris.includes(FAKE_MUXED_URL_)) {
stream.isAudioMuxedInVideo = true;
// We assigned the TS mimetype because it is the only one that works
// with this functionality. MP4 is not supported right now.
stream.mimeType = 'video/mp2t';
const streamInfo = {
redirectUris: [],
getUris: () => {},
// These values are filled out or updated after lazy-loading:
minTimestamp: 0,
maxTimestamp: 0,
mediaSequenceToStartTime: new Map(),
canSkipSegments: false,
canBlockReload: false,
hasEndList: false,
firstSequenceNumber: -1,
nextMediaSequence: -1,
nextPart: -1,
loadedOnce: false,
const getUris = () => {
if (this.contentSteeringManager_ &&
verbatimMediaPlaylistUris.length > 1) {
return this.contentSteeringManager_.getLocations(streamId);
return streamInfo.redirectUris.concat(shaka.hls.Utils.constructUris(
[this.masterPlaylistUri_], verbatimMediaPlaylistUris,
streamInfo.getUris = getUris;
/** @param {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.PendingRequest} pendingRequest */
const downloadSegmentIndex = async (pendingRequest) => {
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
try {
// Download the actual manifest.
const response = await pendingRequest.promise;
if (pendingRequest.aborted) {
// Record the final URI after redirects.
const responseUri = response.uri;
if (responseUri != response.originalUri) {
const uris = streamInfo.getUris();
if (!uris.includes(responseUri)) {
// Record the redirected, final URI of this media playlist when we parse
// it.
/** @type {!shaka.hls.Playlist} */
const playlist = this.manifestTextParser_.parsePlaylist(response.data);
if (playlist.type != shaka.hls.PlaylistType.MEDIA) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} */
const variablesTags = shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByName(playlist.tags,
const mediaVariables =
this.parseMediaVariables_(variablesTags, responseUri);
const mimeType = undefined;
let requestBasicInfo = false;
// If no codec info was provided in the manifest and codec guessing is
// disabled we try to get necessary info from the media data.
if ((!this.codecInfoInManifest_ &&
this.config_.hls.disableCodecGuessing) ||
(this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ && type == ContentType.VIDEO &&
!this.config_.hls.disableClosedCaptionsDetection)) {
if (playlist.segments.length > 0) {
this.needsClosedCaptionsDetection_ = false;
requestBasicInfo = true;
const allowOverrideMimeType = !this.codecInfoInManifest_ &&
const wasLive = this.isLive_();
const realStreamInfo = await this.convertParsedPlaylistIntoStreamInfo_(
streamId, mediaVariables, playlist, getUris, responseUri, codecs,
type, languageValue, primary, name, channelsCount, closedCaptions,
characteristics, forced, sampleRate, spatialAudio, mimeType,
requestBasicInfo, allowOverrideMimeType);
if (pendingRequest.aborted) {
const realStream = realStreamInfo.stream;
if (this.isLive_() && !wasLive) {
// Now that we know that the presentation is live, convert the
// timeline to live.
// Copy values from the real stream info to our initial one.
streamInfo.minTimestamp = realStreamInfo.minTimestamp;
streamInfo.maxTimestamp = realStreamInfo.maxTimestamp;
streamInfo.canSkipSegments = realStreamInfo.canSkipSegments;
streamInfo.canBlockReload = realStreamInfo.canBlockReload;
streamInfo.hasEndList = realStreamInfo.hasEndList;
streamInfo.mediaSequenceToStartTime =
streamInfo.nextMediaSequence = realStreamInfo.nextMediaSequence;
streamInfo.nextPart = realStreamInfo.nextPart;
streamInfo.loadedOnce = true;
stream.segmentIndex = realStream.segmentIndex;
stream.encrypted = realStream.encrypted;
stream.drmInfos = realStream.drmInfos;
stream.keyIds = realStream.keyIds;
stream.mimeType = realStream.mimeType;
stream.bandwidth = stream.bandwidth || realStream.bandwidth;
stream.codecs = stream.codecs || realStream.codecs;
stream.closedCaptions =
stream.closedCaptions || realStream.closedCaptions;
stream.width = stream.width || realStream.width;
stream.height = stream.height || realStream.height;
stream.hdr = stream.hdr || realStream.hdr;
stream.colorGamut = stream.colorGamut || realStream.colorGamut;
stream.frameRate = stream.frameRate || realStream.frameRate;
if (stream.language == 'und' && realStream.language != 'und') {
stream.language = realStream.language;
stream.language = stream.language || realStream.language;
stream.channelsCount = stream.channelsCount || realStream.channelsCount;
stream.audioSamplingRate =
stream.audioSamplingRate || realStream.audioSamplingRate;
// Since we lazy-loaded this content, the player may need to create new
// sessions for the DRM info in this stream.
if (stream.drmInfos.length) {
let closedCaptionsUpdated = false;
if ((!closedCaptions && stream.closedCaptions) ||
(closedCaptions && stream.closedCaptions &&
closedCaptions.size != stream.closedCaptions.size)) {
closedCaptionsUpdated = true;
if (this.manifest_ && closedCaptionsUpdated) {
if (type == ContentType.VIDEO || type == ContentType.AUDIO) {
for (const otherStreamInfo of this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values()) {
if (!otherStreamInfo.loadedOnce && otherStreamInfo.type == type) {
// To aid manifest filtering, assume before loading that all video
// renditions have the same MIME type. (And likewise for audio.)
otherStreamInfo.stream.mimeType = realStream.mimeType;
if (type == ContentType.TEXT) {
const firstSegment = realStream.segmentIndex.earliestReference();
if (firstSegment && firstSegment.initSegmentReference) {
stream.mimeType = 'application/mp4';
const qualityInfo =
stream.segmentIndex.forEachTopLevelReference((reference) => {
if (reference.initSegmentReference) {
reference.initSegmentReference.mediaQuality = qualityInfo;
// Add finishing touches to the stream that can only be done once we
// have more full context on the media as a whole.
if (this.hasEnoughInfoToFinalizeStreams_()) {
if (!this.streamsFinalized_) {
// Mark this manifest as having been finalized, so we don't go
// through this whole process of finishing touches a second time.
this.streamsFinalized_ = true;
// Finalize all of the currently-loaded streams.
const streamInfos = Array.from(this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values());
const activeStreamInfos =
streamInfos.filter((s) => s.stream.segmentIndex);
// With the addition of this new stream, we now have enough info to
// figure out how long the streams should be. So process all streams
// we have downloaded up until this point.
// Finally, start the update timer, if this asset has been
// determined to be a livestream.
const delay = this.getUpdatePlaylistDelay_();
if (delay > 0) {
this.updatePlaylistTimer_.tickAfter(/* seconds= */ delay);
} else {
// We don't need to go through the full process; just finalize this
// single stream.
playlist.tags, stream.type, mediaVariables, getUris);
if (this.manifest_) {
this.manifest_.startTime = this.startTime_;
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === shaka.util.Error.Code.OPERATION_ABORTED) {
const handled = this.playerInterface_.disableStream(stream);
if (!handled) {
throw e;
/** @type {Promise} */
let creationPromise = null;
/** @type {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.PendingRequest} */
let pendingRequest;
const safeCreateSegmentIndex = () => {
// An operation is already in progress. The second and subsequent
// callers receive the same Promise as the first caller, and only one
// download operation will occur.
if (creationPromise) {
return creationPromise;
if (stream.isAudioMuxedInVideo) {
const segmentIndex = new shaka.media.SegmentIndex([]);
stream.segmentIndex = segmentIndex;
return Promise.resolve();
// Create a new PendingRequest to be able to cancel this specific
// download.
pendingRequest = this.requestManifest_(streamInfo.getUris(),
/* isPlaylist= */ true);
// Create a Promise tied to the outcome of downloadSegmentIndex(). If
// downloadSegmentIndex is rejected, creationPromise will also be
// rejected.
creationPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
return creationPromise;
stream.createSegmentIndex = safeCreateSegmentIndex;
stream.closeSegmentIndex = () => {
// If we're mid-creation, cancel it.
if (creationPromise && !stream.segmentIndex) {
// If we have a segment index, release it.
if (stream.segmentIndex) {
stream.segmentIndex = null;
// Clear the creation Promise so that a new operation can begin.
creationPromise = null;
return streamInfo;
* @return {number}
* @private
getMinDuration_() {
let minDuration = Infinity;
for (const streamInfo of this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values()) {
if (streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex && streamInfo.stream.type != 'text' &&
!streamInfo.stream.isAudioMuxedInVideo) {
// Since everything is already offset to 0 (either by sync or by being
// VOD), only maxTimestamp is necessary to compute the duration.
minDuration = Math.min(minDuration, streamInfo.maxTimestamp);
return minDuration;
* @return {number}
* @private
getLiveDuration_() {
let maxTimestamp = Infinity;
let minTimestamp = Infinity;
for (const streamInfo of this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values()) {
if (streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex && streamInfo.stream.type != 'text' &&
!streamInfo.stream.isAudioMuxedInVideo) {
maxTimestamp = Math.min(maxTimestamp, streamInfo.maxTimestamp);
minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, streamInfo.minTimestamp);
return maxTimestamp - minTimestamp;
* @param {!Array<!shaka.extern.Stream>} streams
* @private
notifySegmentsForStreams_(streams) {
const references = [];
for (const stream of streams) {
if (!stream.segmentIndex) {
// The stream was closed since the list of streams was built.
stream.segmentIndex.forEachTopLevelReference((reference) => {
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} streamInfos
* @private
finalizeStreams_(streamInfos) {
if (!this.isLive_()) {
const minDuration = this.getMinDuration_();
for (const streamInfo of streamInfos) {
streamInfo.stream.segmentIndex.fit(/* periodStart= */ 0, minDuration);
this.notifySegmentsForStreams_(streamInfos.map((s) => s.stream));
const activeStreamInfos = Array.from(this.uriToStreamInfosMap_.values())
.filter((s) => s.stream.segmentIndex);
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
const hasAudio =
activeStreamInfos.some((s) => s.stream.type == ContentType.AUDIO);
const hasVideo =
activeStreamInfos.some((s) => s.stream.type == ContentType.VIDEO);
const liveWithNoProgramDateTime =
this.isLive_() && !this.usesProgramDateTime_;
const vodWithOnlyAudioOrVideo = !this.isLive_() &&
this.usesProgramDateTime_ && !(hasAudio && hasVideo);
if (this.config_.hls.ignoreManifestProgramDateTime ||
liveWithNoProgramDateTime || vodWithOnlyAudioOrVideo) {
streamInfos, liveWithNoProgramDateTime);
} else {
if (this.config_.hls.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeForTypes.length > 0) {
* @param {string} type
* @return {boolean}
* @private
ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeFor_(type) {
if (this.config_.hls.ignoreManifestProgramDateTime) {
return true;
const forTypes = this.config_.hls.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeForTypes;
return forTypes.includes(type);
* There are some values on streams that can only be set once we know about
* both the video and audio content, if present.
* This checks if there is at least one video downloaded (if the media has
* video), and that there is at least one audio downloaded (if the media has
* audio).
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasEnoughInfoToFinalizeStreams_() {
if (!this.manifest_) {
return false;
const videos = [];
const audios = [];
for (const variant of this.manifest_.variants) {
if (variant.video) {
if (variant.audio) {
if (videos.length > 0 && !videos.some((stream) => stream.segmentIndex)) {
return false;
if (audios.length > 0 && !audios.some((stream) => stream.segmentIndex)) {
return false;
return true;
* @param {number} streamId
* @param {!Map<string, string>} variables
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {string} responseUri
* @param {string} codecs
* @param {string} type
* @param {?string} languageValue
* @param {boolean} primary
* @param {?string} name
* @param {?number} channelsCount
* @param {Map<string, string>} closedCaptions
* @param {?string} characteristics
* @param {boolean} forced
* @param {?number} sampleRate
* @param {boolean} spatialAudio
* @param {(string|undefined)} mimeType
* @param {boolean=} requestBasicInfo
* @param {boolean=} allowOverrideMimeType
* @return {!Promise<!shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>}
* @private
async convertParsedPlaylistIntoStreamInfo_(streamId, variables, playlist,
getUris, responseUri, codecs, type, languageValue, primary, name,
channelsCount, closedCaptions, characteristics, forced, sampleRate,
spatialAudio, mimeType = undefined, requestBasicInfo = true,
allowOverrideMimeType = true) {
const playlistSegments = playlist.segments || [];
const allAreMissing = playlistSegments.every((seg) => {
if (shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(seg.tags, 'EXT-X-GAP')) {
return true;
return false;
if (!playlistSegments.length || allAreMissing) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (this.isLive_()) {
const mediaSequenceToStartTime = this.isLive_() ?
this.mediaSequenceToStartTimeByType_.get(type) : new Map();
const {segments, bandwidth} = this.createSegments_(
playlist, mediaSequenceToStartTime, variables, getUris, type);
let width = null;
let height = null;
let videoRange = null;
let colorGamut = null;
let frameRate = null;
if (segments.length > 0 && requestBasicInfo) {
const basicInfo = await this.getBasicInfoFromSegments_(segments);
type = basicInfo.type;
languageValue = basicInfo.language;
channelsCount = basicInfo.channelCount;
sampleRate = basicInfo.sampleRate;
if (!this.config_.disableText) {
closedCaptions = basicInfo.closedCaptions;
height = basicInfo.height;
width = basicInfo.width;
videoRange = basicInfo.videoRange;
colorGamut = basicInfo.colorGamut;
frameRate = basicInfo.frameRate;
if (allowOverrideMimeType) {
mimeType = basicInfo.mimeType;
codecs = basicInfo.codecs;
if (!mimeType) {
mimeType = await this.guessMimeType_(type, codecs, segments);
// Some manifests don't say what text codec they use, this is a problem
// if the cmft extension is used because we identify the mimeType as
// application/mp4. In this case if we don't detect initialization
// segments, we assume that the mimeType is text/vtt.
if (type == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT &&
!codecs && mimeType == 'application/mp4' &&
segments[0] && !segments[0].initSegmentReference) {
mimeType = 'text/vtt';
const {drmInfos, keyIds, encrypted, aesEncrypted} =
await this.parseDrmInfo_(playlist, mimeType, getUris, variables);
if (encrypted && !drmInfos.length && !aesEncrypted) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
const stream = this.makeStreamObject_(streamId, codecs, type,
languageValue, primary, name, channelsCount, closedCaptions,
characteristics, forced, sampleRate, spatialAudio);
stream.encrypted = encrypted && !aesEncrypted;
stream.drmInfos = drmInfos;
stream.keyIds = keyIds;
stream.mimeType = mimeType;
if (bandwidth) {
stream.bandwidth = bandwidth;
if (type == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.VIDEO &&
(width || height || videoRange || colorGamut)) {
this.addVideoAttributes_(stream, width, height,
frameRate, videoRange, /* videoLayout= */ null, colorGamut);
// This new calculation is necessary for Low Latency streams.
if (this.isLive_()) {
const firstStartTime = segments[0].startTime;
const lastSegment = segments[segments.length - 1];
const lastEndTime = lastSegment.endTime;
/** @type {!shaka.media.SegmentIndex} */
const segmentIndex = new shaka.media.SegmentIndex(segments);
stream.segmentIndex = segmentIndex;
const serverControlTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL');
const canSkipSegments = serverControlTag ?
serverControlTag.getAttribute('CAN-SKIP-UNTIL') != null : false;
const canBlockReload = serverControlTag ?
serverControlTag.getAttribute('CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD') != null : false;
const mediaSequenceNumber = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithNameAsNumber(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE', 0);
const {nextMediaSequence, nextPart} =
this.getNextMediaSequenceAndPart_(mediaSequenceNumber, segments);
return {
redirectUris: [],
minTimestamp: firstStartTime,
maxTimestamp: lastEndTime,
hasEndList: false,
firstSequenceNumber: -1,
loadedOnce: false,
* Get the next msn and part
* @param {number} mediaSequenceNumber
* @param {!Array<!shaka.media.SegmentReference>} segments
* @return {{nextMediaSequence: number, nextPart:number}}}
* @private
getNextMediaSequenceAndPart_(mediaSequenceNumber, segments) {
const currentMediaSequence = mediaSequenceNumber + segments.length - 1;
let nextMediaSequence = currentMediaSequence;
let nextPart = -1;
if (!segments.length) {
return {
const lastSegment = segments[segments.length - 1];
const partialReferences = lastSegment.partialReferences;
if (!lastSegment.partialReferences.length) {
if (lastSegment.hasByterangeOptimization()) {
nextPart = 0;
return {
nextPart = partialReferences.length - 1;
const lastPartialReference =
partialReferences[partialReferences.length - 1];
if (!lastPartialReference.isPreload()) {
nextPart = 0;
return {
* Creates a stream object with the given parameters.
* The parameters that are passed into here are only the things that can be
* known without downloading the media playlist; other values must be set
* manually on the object after creation.
* @param {number} id
* @param {string} codecs
* @param {string} type
* @param {?string} languageValue
* @param {boolean} primary
* @param {?string} name
* @param {?number} channelsCount
* @param {Map<string, string>} closedCaptions
* @param {?string} characteristics
* @param {boolean} forced
* @param {?number} sampleRate
* @param {boolean} spatialAudio
* @return {!shaka.extern.Stream}
* @private
makeStreamObject_(id, codecs, type, languageValue, primary, name,
channelsCount, closedCaptions, characteristics, forced, sampleRate,
spatialAudio) {
// Fill out a "best-guess" mimeType, for now. It will be replaced once the
// stream is lazy-loaded.
const mimeType = this.guessMimeTypeBeforeLoading_(type, codecs) ||
const roles = [];
if (characteristics) {
for (const characteristic of characteristics.split(',')) {
let kind = undefined;
let accessibilityPurpose = null;
if (type == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT) {
if (roles.includes('public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-dialog') &&
roles.includes('public.accessibility.describes-music-and-sound')) {
kind = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.TextStreamKind.CLOSED_CAPTION;
} else {
kind = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.TextStreamKind.SUBTITLE;
} else {
if (roles.includes('public.accessibility.describes-video')) {
accessibilityPurpose =
// If there are no roles, and we have defaulted to the subtitle "kind" for
// this track, add the implied subtitle role.
if (!roles.length &&
kind === shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.TextStreamKind.SUBTITLE) {
const stream = {
id: this.globalId_++,
originalId: name,
groupId: null,
createSegmentIndex: () => Promise.resolve(),
segmentIndex: null,
kind: (type == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT) ?
shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.TextStreamKind.SUBTITLE : undefined,
encrypted: false,
drmInfos: [],
keyIds: new Set(),
language: this.getLanguage_(languageValue),
originalLanguage: languageValue,
label: name, // For historical reasons, since before "originalId".
// TODO: trick mode
trickModeVideo: null,
emsgSchemeIdUris: null,
frameRate: undefined,
pixelAspectRatio: undefined,
width: undefined,
height: undefined,
bandwidth: undefined,
audioSamplingRate: sampleRate,
hdr: undefined,
colorGamut: undefined,
videoLayout: undefined,
tilesLayout: undefined,
accessibilityPurpose: accessibilityPurpose,
external: false,
fastSwitching: false,
fullMimeTypes: new Set(),
isAudioMuxedInVideo: false,
return stream;
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @param {string} mimeType
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {?Map<string, string>=} variables
* @return {Promise<{
* drmInfos: !Array<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>,
* keyIds: !Set<string>,
* encrypted: boolean,
* aesEncrypted: boolean
* }>}
* @private
async parseDrmInfo_(playlist, mimeType, getUris, variables) {
/** @type {!Map<!shaka.hls.Tag, ?shaka.media.InitSegmentReference>} */
const drmTagsMap = new Map();
if (playlist.segments) {
for (const segment of playlist.segments) {
const segmentKeyTags = shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByName(segment.tags,
let initSegmentRef = null;
if (segmentKeyTags.length) {
initSegmentRef = this.getInitSegmentReference_(playlist,
segment.tags, getUris, variables);
for (const segmentKeyTag of segmentKeyTags) {
drmTagsMap.set(segmentKeyTag, initSegmentRef);
let encrypted = false;
let aesEncrypted = false;
/** @type {!Array<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>}*/
const drmInfos = [];
const keyIds = new Set();
for (const [key, value] of drmTagsMap) {
const drmTag = /** @type {!shaka.hls.Tag} */ (key);
const initSegmentRef =
/** @type {?shaka.media.InitSegmentReference} */ (value);
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (method != 'NONE') {
encrypted = true;
// According to the HLS spec, KEYFORMAT is optional and implicitly
// defaults to "identity".
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-11#section-
const keyFormat =
drmTag.getAttributeValue('KEYFORMAT') || 'identity';
let drmInfo = null;
if (this.isAesMethod_(method)) {
// These keys are handled separately.
aesEncrypted = true;
} else if (keyFormat == 'identity') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
drmInfo = await this.identityDrmParser_(
drmTag, mimeType, getUris, initSegmentRef, variables);
} else {
const drmParser =
drmInfo = drmParser ? drmParser(drmTag, mimeType) : null;
if (drmInfo) {
if (drmInfo.keyIds) {
for (const keyId of drmInfo.keyIds) {
} else {
shaka.log.warning('Unsupported HLS KEYFORMAT', keyFormat);
return {drmInfos, keyIds, encrypted, aesEncrypted};
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} drmTag
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {?Map<string, string>=} variables
* @return {!shaka.extern.aesKey}
* @private
parseAESDrmTag_(drmTag, playlist, getUris, variables) {
// Check if the Web Crypto API is available.
if (!window.crypto || !window.crypto.subtle) {
shaka.log.alwaysWarn('Web Crypto API is not available to decrypt ' +
'AES. (Web Crypto only exists in secure origins like https)');
throw new shaka.util.Error(
// HLS RFC 8216 Section 5.2:
// An EXT-X-KEY tag with a KEYFORMAT of "identity" that does not have an IV
// attribute indicates that the Media Sequence Number is to be used as the
// IV when decrypting a Media Segment, by putting its big-endian binary
// representation into a 16-octet (128-bit) buffer and padding (on the left)
// with zeros.
let firstMediaSequenceNumber = 0;
let iv;
const ivHex = drmTag.getAttributeValue('IV', '');
if (!ivHex) {
// Media Sequence Number will be used as IV.
firstMediaSequenceNumber = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithNameAsNumber(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE', 0);
} else {
// Exclude 0x at the start of string.
iv = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.fromHex(ivHex.substr(2));
if (iv.byteLength != 16) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
const keyUris = shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(
getUris(), drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI'), variables);
const keyMapKey = keyUris.sort().join('');
const aesKeyInfoKey =
if (!this.aesKeyInfoMap_.has(aesKeyInfoKey)) {
// Default AES-128
const keyInfo = {
bitsKey: 128,
blockCipherMode: 'CBC',
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
switch (method) {
case 'AES-256':
keyInfo.bitsKey = 256;
case 'AES-256-CTR':
keyInfo.bitsKey = 256;
keyInfo.blockCipherMode = 'CTR';
// Don't download the key object until the segment is parsed, to avoid a
// startup delay for long manifests with lots of keys.
keyInfo.fetchKey = async () => {
if (!this.aesKeyMap_.has(keyMapKey)) {
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.KEY;
const request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
keyUris, this.config_.retryParameters);
const keyResponse = this.makeNetworkRequest_(request, requestType)
this.aesKeyMap_.set(keyMapKey, keyResponse);
const keyResponse = await this.aesKeyMap_.get(keyMapKey);
// keyResponse.status is undefined when URI is "data:text/plain;base64,"
if (!keyResponse.data ||
keyResponse.data.byteLength != (keyInfo.bitsKey / 8)) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
const algorithm = {
name: keyInfo.blockCipherMode == 'CTR' ? 'AES-CTR' : 'AES-CBC',
length: keyInfo.bitsKey,
keyInfo.cryptoKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
'raw', keyResponse.data, algorithm, true, ['decrypt']);
keyInfo.fetchKey = undefined; // No longer needed.
this.aesKeyInfoMap_.set(aesKeyInfoKey, keyInfo);
return this.aesKeyInfoMap_.get(aesKeyInfoKey);
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @private
determineStartTime_(playlist) {
// If we already have a starttime we avoid processing this again.
if (this.startTime_ != null) {
const startTimeTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-START');
if (startTimeTag) {
this.startTime_ =
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @private
determinePresentationType_(playlist) {
const PresentationType = shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_;
const presentationTypeTag =
const endListTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-ENDLIST');
const isVod = (presentationTypeTag && presentationTypeTag.value == 'VOD') ||
const isEvent = presentationTypeTag &&
presentationTypeTag.value == 'EVENT' && !isVod;
const isLive = !isVod && !isEvent;
if (isVod) {
} else {
// If it's not VOD, it must be presentation type LIVE or an ongoing EVENT.
if (isLive) {
} else {
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @private
determineLastTargetDuration_(playlist) {
let lastTargetDuration = Infinity;
const segments = playlist.segments;
if (segments.length) {
let segmentIndex = segments.length - 1;
while (segmentIndex >= 0) {
const segment = segments[segmentIndex];
const extinfTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(segment.tags, 'EXTINF');
if (extinfTag) {
// The EXTINF tag format is '#EXTINF:<duration>,[<title>]'.
// We're interested in the duration part.
const extinfValues = extinfTag.value.split(',');
lastTargetDuration = Number(extinfValues[0]);
const targetDurationTag = this.getRequiredTag_(playlist.tags,
const targetDuration = Number(targetDurationTag.value);
const partialTargetDurationTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-PART-INF');
if (partialTargetDurationTag) {
this.partialTargetDuration_ = Number(
// Get the server-recommended min distance from the live edge.
const serverControlTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL');
// According to the HLS spec, updates should not happen more often than
// once in targetDuration. It also requires us to only update the active
// variant. We might implement that later, but for now every variant
// will be updated. To get the update period, choose the smallest
// targetDuration value across all playlists.
// 1. Update the shortest one to use as update period and segment
// availability time (for LIVE).
if (this.lowLatencyMode_ && this.partialTargetDuration_) {
// For low latency streaming, use the partial segment target duration.
if (this.lowLatencyByterangeOptimization_) {
// We always have at least 1 partial segment part, and most servers
// allow you to make a request with _HLS_msn=X&_HLS_part=0 with a
// distance of 4 partial segments. With this we ensure that we
// obtain the minimum latency in this type of case.
if (this.partialTargetDuration_ * 5 <= lastTargetDuration) {
this.lastTargetDuration_ = Math.min(
this.partialTargetDuration_, this.lastTargetDuration_);
} else {
this.lastTargetDuration_ = Math.min(
lastTargetDuration, this.lastTargetDuration_);
} else {
this.lastTargetDuration_ = Math.min(
this.partialTargetDuration_, this.lastTargetDuration_);
// Use 'PART-HOLD-BACK' as the presentation delay for low latency mode.
this.lowLatencyPresentationDelay_ = serverControlTag ? Number(
serverControlTag.getRequiredAttrValue('PART-HOLD-BACK')) : 0;
} else {
this.lastTargetDuration_ = Math.min(
lastTargetDuration, this.lastTargetDuration_);
// Use 'HOLD-BACK' as the presentation delay for default if defined.
const holdBack = serverControlTag ?
serverControlTag.getAttribute('HOLD-BACK') : null;
this.presentationDelay_ = holdBack ? Number(holdBack.value) : 0;
// 2. Update the longest target duration if need be to use as a
// presentation delay later.
this.maxTargetDuration_ = Math.max(
targetDuration, this.maxTargetDuration_);
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @private
changePresentationTimelineToLive_(playlist) {
// The live edge will be calculated from segments, so we don't need to
// set a presentation start time. We will assert later that this is
// working as expected.
// The HLS spec (RFC 8216) states in 6.3.3:
// "The client SHALL choose which Media Segment to play first ... the
// client SHOULD NOT choose a segment that starts less than three target
// durations from the end of the Playlist file. Doing so can trigger
// playback stalls."
// We accomplish this in our DASH-y model by setting a presentation
// delay of configured value, or 3 segments duration if not configured.
// This will be the "live edge" of the presentation.
let presentationDelay = 0;
if (this.config_.defaultPresentationDelay) {
presentationDelay = this.config_.defaultPresentationDelay;
} else if (this.lowLatencyPresentationDelay_) {
presentationDelay = this.lowLatencyPresentationDelay_;
} else if (this.presentationDelay_) {
presentationDelay = this.presentationDelay_;
} else {
const totalSegments = playlist.segments.length;
let delaySegments = this.config_.hls.liveSegmentsDelay;
if (delaySegments > (totalSegments - 2)) {
delaySegments = Math.max(1, totalSegments - 2);
for (let i = totalSegments - delaySegments; i < totalSegments; i++) {
const extinfTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(
playlist.segments[i].tags, 'EXTINF');
if (extinfTag) {
const extinfValues = extinfTag.value.split(',');
const duration = Number(extinfValues[0]);
presentationDelay += Math.ceil(duration);
} else {
presentationDelay += this.maxTargetDuration_;
if (this.startTime_ && this.startTime_ < 0) {
presentationDelay = Math.min(-this.startTime_, presentationDelay);
this.startTime_ += presentationDelay;
* Get the InitSegmentReference for a segment if it has a EXT-X-MAP tag.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags Segment tags
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {?Map<string, string>=} variables
* @return {shaka.media.InitSegmentReference}
* @private
getInitSegmentReference_(playlist, tags, getUris, variables) {
/** @type {?shaka.hls.Tag} */
const mapTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, 'EXT-X-MAP');
if (!mapTag) {
return null;
// Map tag example: #EXT-X-MAP:URI="main.mp4",BYTERANGE="720@0"
const verbatimInitSegmentUri = mapTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const absoluteInitSegmentUris = shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(
getUris(), verbatimInitSegmentUri, variables);
const mapTagKey = [
mapTag.getAttributeValue('BYTERANGE', ''),
if (!this.mapTagToInitSegmentRefMap_.has(mapTagKey)) {
/** @type {shaka.extern.aesKey|undefined} */
let aesKey = undefined;
let byteRangeTag = null;
let encrypted = false;
for (const tag of tags) {
if (tag.name == 'EXT-X-KEY') {
const method = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (this.isAesMethod_(method) && tag.id < mapTag.id) {
encrypted = false;
aesKey =
this.parseAESDrmTag_(tag, playlist, getUris, variables);
} else {
encrypted = method != 'NONE';
} else if (tag.name == 'EXT-X-BYTERANGE' && tag.id < mapTag.id) {
byteRangeTag = tag;
const initSegmentRef = this.createInitSegmentReference_(
absoluteInitSegmentUris, mapTag, byteRangeTag, aesKey, encrypted);
this.mapTagToInitSegmentRefMap_.set(mapTagKey, initSegmentRef);
return this.mapTagToInitSegmentRefMap_.get(mapTagKey);
* Create an InitSegmentReference object for the EXT-X-MAP tag in the media
* playlist.
* @param {!Array<string>} absoluteInitSegmentUris
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} mapTag EXT-X-MAP
* @param {shaka.hls.Tag=} byteRangeTag EXT-X-BYTERANGE
* @param {shaka.extern.aesKey=} aesKey
* @param {boolean=} encrypted
* @return {!shaka.media.InitSegmentReference}
* @private
createInitSegmentReference_(absoluteInitSegmentUris, mapTag, byteRangeTag,
aesKey, encrypted) {
let startByte = 0;
let endByte = null;
let byterange = mapTag.getAttributeValue('BYTERANGE');
if (!byterange && byteRangeTag) {
byterange = byteRangeTag.value;
// If a BYTERANGE attribute is not specified, the segment consists
// of the entire resource.
if (byterange) {
const blocks = byterange.split('@');
const byteLength = Number(blocks[0]);
startByte = Number(blocks[1]);
endByte = startByte + byteLength - 1;
if (aesKey) {
// MAP segment encrypted with method AES, when served with
// HTTP Range, has the unencrypted size specified in the range.
// See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-08#section-6.3.6
const length = (endByte + 1) - startByte;
if (length % 16) {
endByte += (16 - (length % 16));
const initSegmentRef = new shaka.media.InitSegmentReference(
() => absoluteInitSegmentUris,
/* mediaQuality= */ null,
/* timescale= */ null,
/* segmentData= */ null,
return initSegmentRef;
* Parses one shaka.hls.Segment object into a shaka.media.SegmentReference.
* @param {shaka.media.InitSegmentReference} initSegmentReference
* @param {shaka.media.SegmentReference} previousReference
* @param {!shaka.hls.Segment} hlsSegment
* @param {number} startTime
* @param {!Map<string, string>} variables
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @param {string} type
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {shaka.extern.aesKey=} aesKey
* @return {shaka.media.SegmentReference}
* @private
initSegmentReference, previousReference, hlsSegment, startTime,
variables, playlist, type, getUris, aesKey) {
const HlsParser = shaka.hls.HlsParser;
const getMimeType = (uri) => {
const parsedUri = new goog.Uri(uri);
const extension = parsedUri.getPath().split('.').pop();
const map = HlsParser.EXTENSION_MAP_BY_CONTENT_TYPE_.get(type);
let mimeType = map.get(extension);
if (!mimeType) {
mimeType = HlsParser.RAW_FORMATS_TO_MIME_TYPES_.get(extension);
return mimeType;
const tags = hlsSegment.tags;
const extinfTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, 'EXTINF');
let endTime = 0;
let startByte = 0;
let endByte = null;
if (hlsSegment.partialSegments.length) {
this.manifest_.isLowLatency = true;
let syncTime = null;
if (!this.config_.hls.ignoreManifestProgramDateTime) {
const dateTimeTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, 'EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME');
if (dateTimeTag && dateTimeTag.value) {
syncTime = shaka.util.TXml.parseDate(dateTimeTag.value);
goog.asserts.assert(syncTime != null,
'EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME format not valid');
this.usesProgramDateTime_ = true;
let status = shaka.media.SegmentReference.Status.AVAILABLE;
if (shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, 'EXT-X-GAP')) {
status = shaka.media.SegmentReference.Status.MISSING;
if (!extinfTag) {
if (hlsSegment.partialSegments.length == 0) {
// EXTINF tag must be available if the segment has no partial segments.
throw new shaka.util.Error(
shaka.util.Error.Code.HLS_REQUIRED_TAG_MISSING, 'EXTINF');
} else if (!this.lowLatencyMode_) {
// Without EXTINF and without low-latency mode, partial segments get
// ignored.
return null;
// Create SegmentReferences for the partial segments.
let partialSegmentRefs = [];
// Optimization for LL-HLS with byterange
// More info in https://tinyurl.com/hls-open-byte-range
let segmentWithByteRangeOptimization = false;
let getUrisOptimization = null;
let somePartialSegmentWithGap = false;
let isPreloadSegment = false;
if (this.lowLatencyMode_ && hlsSegment.partialSegments.length) {
const byterangeOptimizationSupport =
initSegmentReference && window.ReadableStream &&
let partialSyncTime = syncTime;
for (let i = 0; i < hlsSegment.partialSegments.length; i++) {
const item = hlsSegment.partialSegments[i];
const pPreviousReference = i == 0 ?
previousReference : partialSegmentRefs[partialSegmentRefs.length - 1];
const pStartTime = (i == 0) ? startTime : pPreviousReference.endTime;
// If DURATION is missing from this partial segment, use the target
// partial duration from the top of the playlist, which is a required
// attribute for content with partial segments.
const pDuration = Number(item.getAttributeValue('DURATION')) ||
// If for some reason we have neither an explicit duration, nor a target
// partial duration, we should SKIP this partial segment to avoid
// duplicating content in the presentation timeline.
if (!pDuration) {
const pEndTime = pStartTime + pDuration;
let pStartByte = 0;
let pEndByte = null;
if (item.name == 'EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT') {
// A preload hinted partial segment may have byterange start info.
const pByterangeStart = item.getAttributeValue('BYTERANGE-START');
pStartByte = pByterangeStart ? Number(pByterangeStart) : 0;
// A preload hinted partial segment may have byterange length info.
const pByterangeLength = item.getAttributeValue('BYTERANGE-LENGTH');
if (pByterangeLength) {
pEndByte = pStartByte + Number(pByterangeLength) - 1;
} else if (pStartByte) {
// If we have a non-zero start byte, but no end byte, follow the
// recommendation of https://tinyurl.com/hls-open-byte-range and
// set the end byte explicitly to a large integer.
pEndByte = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
} else {
const pByterange = item.getAttributeValue('BYTERANGE');
[pStartByte, pEndByte] =
this.parseByteRange_(pPreviousReference, pByterange);
const pUri = item.getAttributeValue('URI');
if (!pUri) {
let partialStatus = shaka.media.SegmentReference.Status.AVAILABLE;
if (item.getAttributeValue('GAP') == 'YES') {
partialStatus = shaka.media.SegmentReference.Status.MISSING;
somePartialSegmentWithGap = true;
let uris = null;
const getPartialUris = () => {
if (uris == null) {
goog.asserts.assert(pUri, 'Partial uri should be defined!');
uris = shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(
getUris(), pUri, variables);
return uris;
if (byterangeOptimizationSupport &&
pStartByte >= 0 && pEndByte != null) {
getUrisOptimization = getPartialUris;
segmentWithByteRangeOptimization = true;
const partial = new shaka.media.SegmentReference(
/* timestampOffset= */ 0,
/* appendWindowStart= */ 0,
/* appendWindowEnd= */ Infinity,
/* partialReferences= */ [],
/* tilesLayout= */ '',
/* tileDuration= */ null,
if (item.name == 'EXT-X-PRELOAD-HINT') {
isPreloadSegment = true;
// The spec doesn't say that we can assume INDEPENDENT=YES for the
// first partial segment. It does call the flag "optional", though, and
// that cases where there are no such flags on any partial segments, it
// is sensible to assume the first one is independent.
if (item.getAttributeValue('INDEPENDENT') != 'YES' && i > 0) {
const pMimeType = getMimeType(pUri);
if (pMimeType) {
partial.mimeType = pMimeType;
if (HlsParser.MIME_TYPES_WITHOUT_INIT_SEGMENT_.has(pMimeType)) {
partial.initSegmentReference = null;
if (partialSyncTime) {
partialSyncTime += pDuration;
} // for-loop of hlsSegment.partialSegments
// If the segment has EXTINF tag, set the segment's end time, start byte
// and end byte based on the duration and byterange information.
// Otherwise, calculate the end time, start / end byte based on its partial
// segments.
// Note that the sum of partial segments durations may be slightly different
// from the parent segment's duration. In this case, use the duration from
// the parent segment tag.
if (extinfTag) {
// The EXTINF tag format is '#EXTINF:<duration>,[<title>]'.
// We're interested in the duration part.
const extinfValues = extinfTag.value.split(',');
const duration = Number(extinfValues[0]);
// Skip segments without duration
if (duration == 0) {
return null;
endTime = startTime + duration;
} else if (partialSegmentRefs.length) {
endTime = partialSegmentRefs[partialSegmentRefs.length - 1].endTime;
} else {
// Skip segments without duration and without partial segments
return null;
if (segmentWithByteRangeOptimization) {
// We cannot optimize segments with gaps, or with a start byte that is
// not 0.
if (somePartialSegmentWithGap || partialSegmentRefs[0].startByte != 0) {
segmentWithByteRangeOptimization = false;
getUrisOptimization = null;
} else {
partialSegmentRefs = [];
// If the segment has EXT-X-BYTERANGE tag, set the start byte and end byte
// base on the byterange information. If segment has no EXT-X-BYTERANGE tag
// and has partial segments, set the start byte and end byte base on the
// partial segments.
const byterangeTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, 'EXT-X-BYTERANGE');
if (byterangeTag) {
[startByte, endByte] =
this.parseByteRange_(previousReference, byterangeTag.value);
} else if (partialSegmentRefs.length) {
startByte = partialSegmentRefs[0].startByte;
endByte = partialSegmentRefs[partialSegmentRefs.length - 1].endByte;
let tilesLayout = '';
let tileDuration = null;
if (type == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.IMAGE) {
// By default in HLS the tilesLayout is 1x1
tilesLayout = '1x1';
const tilesTag =
shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, 'EXT-X-TILES');
if (tilesTag) {
tilesLayout = tilesTag.getRequiredAttrValue('LAYOUT');
const duration = tilesTag.getAttributeValue('DURATION');
if (duration) {
tileDuration = Number(duration);
let uris = null;
const getSegmentUris = () => {
if (getUrisOptimization) {
return getUrisOptimization();
if (uris == null) {
uris = shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(getUris(),
hlsSegment.verbatimSegmentUri, variables);
return uris || [];
const allPartialSegments = partialSegmentRefs.length > 0 &&
const reference = new shaka.media.SegmentReference(
/* timestampOffset= */ 0,
/* appendWindowStart= */ 0,
/* appendWindowEnd= */ Infinity,
const mimeType = getMimeType(hlsSegment.verbatimSegmentUri);
if (mimeType) {
reference.mimeType = mimeType;
if (HlsParser.MIME_TYPES_WITHOUT_INIT_SEGMENT_.has(mimeType)) {
reference.initSegmentReference = null;
if (segmentWithByteRangeOptimization) {
this.lowLatencyByterangeOptimization_ = true;
if (isPreloadSegment) {
return reference;
* Parse the startByte and endByte.
* @param {shaka.media.SegmentReference} previousReference
* @param {?string} byterange
* @return {!Array<number>} An array with the start byte and end byte.
* @private
parseByteRange_(previousReference, byterange) {
let startByte = 0;
let endByte = null;
// If BYTERANGE is not specified, the segment consists of the entire
// resource.
if (byterange) {
const blocks = byterange.split('@');
const byteLength = Number(blocks[0]);
if (blocks[1]) {
startByte = Number(blocks[1]);
} else {
'Cannot refer back to previous HLS segment!');
startByte = previousReference.endByte + 1;
endByte = startByte + byteLength - 1;
return [startByte, endByte];
* @param {!Array<!shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @param {string} contentType
* @param {!Map<string, string>} variables
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @private
processDateRangeTags_(tags, contentType, variables, getUris) {
const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
if (contentType != ContentType.VIDEO && contentType != ContentType.AUDIO) {
// DATE-RANGE should only appear in AUDIO or VIDEO playlists.
// We ignore those that appear in other playlists.
const Utils = shaka.hls.Utils;
const initialProgramDateTime =
if (!initialProgramDateTime ||
this.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeFor_(contentType)) {
let dateRangeTags =
shaka.hls.Utils.filterTagsByName(tags, 'EXT-X-DATERANGE');
dateRangeTags = dateRangeTags.filter((tag) => {
return tag.getAttribute('START-DATE') != null;
}).sort((a, b) => {
const aStartDateValue = a.getRequiredAttrValue('START-DATE');
const bStartDateValue = b.getRequiredAttrValue('START-DATE');
if (aStartDateValue < bStartDateValue) {
return -1;
if (aStartDateValue > bStartDateValue) {
return 1;
return 0;
for (let i = 0; i < dateRangeTags.length; i++) {
const tag = dateRangeTags[i];
try {
const id = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('ID');
if (this.dateRangeIdsEmitted_.has(id)) {
const startDateValue = tag.getRequiredAttrValue('START-DATE');
const startDate = shaka.util.TXml.parseDate(startDateValue);
if (isNaN(startDate)) {
// Invalid START-DATE
goog.asserts.assert(startDate != null,
'Start date should not be null!');
const startTime = Math.max(0, startDate - initialProgramDateTime);
let endTime = null;
const endDateValue = tag.getAttributeValue('END-DATE');
if (endDateValue) {
const endDate = shaka.util.TXml.parseDate(endDateValue);
if (!isNaN(endDate)) {
goog.asserts.assert(endDate != null,
'End date should not be null!');
endTime = endDate - initialProgramDateTime;
if (endTime < 0) {
// Date range in the past
if (endTime == null) {
const durationValue = tag.getAttributeValue('DURATION') ||
if (durationValue) {
const duration = parseFloat(durationValue);
if (!isNaN(duration)) {
endTime = startTime + duration;
const realEndTime = startDate - initialProgramDateTime + duration;
if (realEndTime < 0) {
// Date range in the past
const type =
tag.getAttributeValue('CLASS') || 'com.apple.quicktime.HLS';
const endOnNext = tag.getAttributeValue('END-ON-NEXT') == 'YES';
if (endTime == null && endOnNext) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < dateRangeTags.length; j++) {
const otherDateRangeType =
dateRangeTags[j].getAttributeValue('CLASS') ||
if (type != otherDateRangeType) {
const otherDateRangeStartDateValue =
const otherDateRangeStartDate =
if (isNaN(otherDateRangeStartDate)) {
// Invalid START-DATE
if (otherDateRangeStartDate &&
otherDateRangeStartDate > startDate) {
endTime = Math.max(0,
otherDateRangeStartDate - initialProgramDateTime);
if (endTime == null) {
// Since we cannot know when it ends, we omit it for now and in the
// future with an update we will be able to have more information.
// Exclude these attributes from the metadata since they already go into
// other fields (eg: startTime or endTime) or are not necessary..
const excludedAttributes = [
/* @type {!Array<shaka.extern.MetadataFrame>} */
const values = [];
for (const attribute of tag.attributes) {
if (excludedAttributes.includes(attribute.name)) {
let data = Utils.variableSubstitution(attribute.value, variables);
if (attribute.name == 'X-ASSET-URI' ||
attribute.name == 'X-ASSET-LIST') {
data = Utils.constructSegmentUris(
getUris(), attribute.value, variables)[0];
const metadataFrame = {
key: attribute.name,
description: '',
mimeType: null,
pictureType: null,
// ID is always required. So we need more than 1 value.
if (values.length > 1) {
this.playerInterface_.onMetadata(type, startTime, endTime, values);
} catch (e) {
shaka.log.warning('Ignoring DATERANGE with errors', tag.toString());
* Parses shaka.hls.Segment objects into shaka.media.SegmentReferences and
* get the bandwidth necessary for this segments If it's defined in the
* playlist.
* @param {!shaka.hls.Playlist} playlist
* @param {!Map<number, number>} mediaSequenceToStartTime
* @param {!Map<string, string>} variables
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {string} type
* @return {{segments: !Array<!shaka.media.SegmentReference>,
* bandwidth: (number|undefined)}}
* @private
createSegments_(playlist, mediaSequenceToStartTime, variables,
getUris, type) {
/** @type {Array<!shaka.hls.Segment>} */
const hlsSegments = playlist.segments;
goog.asserts.assert(hlsSegments.length, 'Playlist should have segments!');
/** @type {shaka.media.InitSegmentReference} */
let initSegmentRef;
/** @type {shaka.extern.aesKey|undefined} */
let aesKey = undefined;
let discontinuitySequence = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithNameAsNumber(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE', -1);
const mediaSequenceNumber = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithNameAsNumber(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE', 0);
const skipTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(
playlist.tags, 'EXT-X-SKIP');
const skippedSegments =
skipTag ? Number(skipTag.getAttributeValue('SKIPPED-SEGMENTS')) : 0;
let position = mediaSequenceNumber + skippedSegments;
let firstStartTime = 0;
// For live stream, use the cached value in the mediaSequenceToStartTime
// map if available.
if (this.isLive_() && mediaSequenceToStartTime.has(position)) {
firstStartTime = mediaSequenceToStartTime.get(position);
// This is for recovering from disconnects.
if (firstStartTime === 0 &&
this.presentationType_ == shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_.LIVE &&
mediaSequenceToStartTime.size > 0 &&
!mediaSequenceToStartTime.has(position) &&
this.presentationTimeline_.getPresentationStartTime() != null) {
firstStartTime = this.presentationTimeline_.getSegmentAvailabilityStart();
/** @type {!Array<!shaka.media.SegmentReference>} */
const references = [];
let previousReference = null;
/** @type {!Array<{bitrate: number, duration: number}>} */
const bitrates = [];
for (let i = 0; i < hlsSegments.length; i++) {
const item = hlsSegments[i];
const startTime =
(i == 0) ? firstStartTime : previousReference.endTime;
position = mediaSequenceNumber + skippedSegments + i;
const discontinuityTag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(
item.tags, 'EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY');
if (discontinuityTag) {
// Apply new AES tags as you see them, keeping a running total.
for (const drmTag of item.tags) {
if (drmTag.name == 'EXT-X-KEY') {
if (this.isAesMethod_(drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD'))) {
aesKey =
this.parseAESDrmTag_(drmTag, playlist, getUris, variables);
} else {
aesKey = undefined;
mediaSequenceToStartTime.set(position, startTime);
initSegmentRef = this.getInitSegmentReference_(playlist,
item.tags, getUris, variables);
const reference = this.createSegmentReference_(
if (reference) {
const bitrate = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithNameAsNumber(
item.tags, 'EXT-X-BITRATE');
if (bitrate) {
duration: reference.endTime - reference.startTime,
} else if (bitrates.length) {
// It applies to every segment between it and the next EXT-X-BITRATE,
// so we use the latest bitrate value
const prevBitrate = bitrates.pop();
prevBitrate.duration += reference.endTime - reference.startTime;
previousReference = reference;
reference.discontinuitySequence = discontinuitySequence;
if (this.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeFor_(type) &&
this.minSequenceNumber_ != null &&
position < this.minSequenceNumber_) {
// This segment is ignored as part of our fallback synchronization
// method.
} else {
let bandwidth = undefined;
if (bitrates.length) {
const duration = bitrates.reduce((sum, value) => {
return sum + value.duration;
}, 0);
bandwidth = Math.round(bitrates.reduce((sum, value) => {
return sum + value.bitrate * value.duration;
}, 0) / duration * 1000);
// If some segments have sync times, but not all, extrapolate the sync
// times of the ones with none.
const someSyncTime = references.some((ref) => ref.syncTime != null);
if (someSyncTime) {
for (let i = 0; i < references.length; i++) {
const reference = references[i];
if (reference.syncTime != null) {
// No need to extrapolate.
// Find the nearest segment with syncTime, in either direction.
// This looks forward and backward simultaneously, keeping track of what
// to offset the syncTime it finds by as it goes.
let forwardAdd = 0;
let forwardI = i;
* Look forwards one reference at a time, summing all durations as we
* go, until we find a reference with a syncTime to use as a basis.
* This DOES count the original reference, but DOESN'T count the first
* reference with a syncTime (as we approach it from behind).
* @return {?number}
const lookForward = () => {
const other = references[forwardI];
if (other) {
if (other.syncTime != null) {
return other.syncTime + forwardAdd;
forwardAdd -= other.endTime - other.startTime;
forwardI += 1;
return null;
let backwardAdd = 0;
let backwardI = i;
* Look backwards one reference at a time, summing all durations as we
* go, until we find a reference with a syncTime to use as a basis.
* This DOESN'T count the original reference, but DOES count the first
* reference with a syncTime (as we approach it from ahead).
* @return {?number}
const lookBackward = () => {
const other = references[backwardI];
if (other) {
if (other != reference) {
backwardAdd += other.endTime - other.startTime;
if (other.syncTime != null) {
return other.syncTime + backwardAdd;
backwardI -= 1;
return null;
while (reference.syncTime == null) {
reference.syncTime = lookBackward();
if (reference.syncTime == null) {
reference.syncTime = lookForward();
// Split the sync times properly among partial segments.
if (someSyncTime) {
for (const reference of references) {
let syncTime = reference.syncTime;
for (const partial of reference.partialReferences) {
partial.syncTime = syncTime;
syncTime += partial.endTime - partial.startTime;
// lowestSyncTime is a value from a previous playlist update. Use it to
// set reference start times. If this is the first playlist parse, we will
// skip this step, and wait until we have sync time across stream types.
const lowestSyncTime = this.lowestSyncTime_;
if (someSyncTime && lowestSyncTime != Infinity) {
if (!this.ignoreManifestProgramDateTimeFor_(type)) {
for (const reference of references) {
return {
segments: references,
* Attempts to guess stream's mime type based on content type and URI.
* @param {string} contentType
* @param {string} codecs
* @return {?string}
* @private
guessMimeTypeBeforeLoading_(contentType, codecs) {
if (contentType == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT) {
if (codecs == 'vtt' || codecs == 'wvtt') {
// If codecs is 'vtt', it's WebVTT.
return 'text/vtt';
} else if (codecs && codecs !== '') {
// Otherwise, assume MP4-embedded text, since text-based formats tend
// not to have a codecs string at all.
return 'application/mp4';
if (contentType == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.IMAGE) {
if (!codecs || codecs == 'jpeg') {
return 'image/jpeg';
if (contentType == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.AUDIO) {
// See: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=489520
if (codecs == 'mp4a.40.34') {
return 'audio/mpeg';
if (codecs == 'mjpg') {
return 'application/mp4';
// Not enough information to guess from the content type and codecs.
return null;
* Get a fallback mime type for the content. Used if all the better methods
* for determining the mime type have failed.
* @param {string} contentType
* @return {string}
* @private
guessMimeTypeFallback_(contentType) {
if (contentType == shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType.TEXT) {
// If there was no codecs string and no content-type, assume HLS text
// streams are WebVTT.
return 'text/vtt';
// If the HLS content is lacking in both MIME type metadata and
// segment file extensions, we fall back to assuming it's MP4.
const map =
return map.get('mp4');
* @param {!Array<!shaka.media.SegmentReference>} segments
* @return {{segment: !shaka.media.SegmentReference, segmentIndex: number}}
* @private
getAvailableSegment_(segments) {
goog.asserts.assert(segments.length, 'Should have segments!');
// If you wait long enough, requesting the first segment can fail
// because it has fallen off the left edge of DVR, so to be safer,
// let's request the middle segment.
let segmentIndex = this.isLive_() ?
Math.trunc((segments.length - 1) / 2) : 0;
let segment = segments[segmentIndex];
while (segment.getStatus() == shaka.media.SegmentReference.Status.MISSING &&
(segmentIndex + 1) < segments.length) {
segmentIndex ++;
segment = segments[segmentIndex];
return {segment, segmentIndex};
* Attempts to guess stream's mime type.
* @param {string} contentType
* @param {string} codecs
* @param {!Array<!shaka.media.SegmentReference>} segments
* @return {!Promise<string>}
* @private
async guessMimeType_(contentType, codecs, segments) {
const HlsParser = shaka.hls.HlsParser;
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.SEGMENT;
const {segment} = this.getAvailableSegment_(segments);
if (segment.status == shaka.media.SegmentReference.Status.MISSING) {
return this.guessMimeTypeFallback_(contentType);
const segmentUris = segment.getUris();
const parsedUri = new goog.Uri(segmentUris[0]);
const extension = parsedUri.getPath().split('.').pop();
const map = HlsParser.EXTENSION_MAP_BY_CONTENT_TYPE_.get(contentType);
let mimeType = map.get(extension);
if (mimeType) {
return mimeType;
mimeType = HlsParser.RAW_FORMATS_TO_MIME_TYPES_.get(extension);
if (mimeType) {
return mimeType;
// The extension map didn't work, so guess based on codecs.
mimeType = this.guessMimeTypeBeforeLoading_(contentType, codecs);
if (mimeType) {
return mimeType;
// If unable to guess mime type, request a segment and try getting it
// from the response.
let contentMimeType;
const type = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.AdvancedRequestType.MEDIA_SEGMENT;
const headRequest = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
segmentUris, this.config_.retryParameters);
try {
headRequest.method = 'HEAD';
const response = await this.makeNetworkRequest_(
headRequest, requestType, {type}).promise;
contentMimeType = response.headers['content-type'];
} catch (error) {
if (error &&
(error.code == shaka.util.Error.Code.HTTP_ERROR ||
error.code == shaka.util.Error.Code.BAD_HTTP_STATUS)) {
headRequest.method = 'GET';
const response = await this.makeNetworkRequest_(
headRequest, requestType, {type}).promise;
contentMimeType = response.headers['content-type'];
if (contentMimeType) {
// Split the MIME type in case the server sent additional parameters.
return contentMimeType.toLowerCase().split(';')[0];
return this.guessMimeTypeFallback_(contentType);
* Returns a tag with a given name.
* Throws an error if tag was not found.
* @param {!Array<shaka.hls.Tag>} tags
* @param {string} tagName
* @return {!shaka.hls.Tag}
* @private
getRequiredTag_(tags, tagName) {
const tag = shaka.hls.Utils.getFirstTagWithName(tags, tagName);
if (!tag) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
shaka.util.Error.Code.HLS_REQUIRED_TAG_MISSING, tagName);
return tag;
* @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
* @param {?string} width
* @param {?string} height
* @param {?string} frameRate
* @param {?string} videoRange
* @param {?string} videoLayout
* @param {?string} colorGamut
* @private
addVideoAttributes_(stream, width, height, frameRate, videoRange,
videoLayout, colorGamut) {
if (stream) {
stream.width = Number(width) || undefined;
stream.height = Number(height) || undefined;
stream.frameRate = Number(frameRate) || undefined;
stream.hdr = videoRange || undefined;
stream.videoLayout = videoLayout || undefined;
stream.colorGamut = colorGamut || undefined;
* Makes a network request for the manifest and returns a Promise
* with the resulting data.
* @param {!Array<string>} uris
* @param {boolean=} isPlaylist
* @return {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.PendingRequest}
* @private
requestManifest_(uris, isPlaylist) {
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.MANIFEST;
const request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
uris, this.config_.retryParameters);
const type = isPlaylist ?
shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.AdvancedRequestType.MEDIA_PLAYLIST :
return this.makeNetworkRequest_(request, requestType, {type});
* Called when the update timer ticks. Because parsing a manifest is async,
* this method is async. To work with this, this method will schedule the next
* update when it finished instead of using a repeating-start.
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
async onUpdate_() {
shaka.log.info('Updating manifest...');
this.getUpdatePlaylistDelay_() > 0,
'We should only call |onUpdate_| when we are suppose to be updating.');
// Detect a call to stop()
if (!this.playerInterface_) {
try {
const startTime = Date.now();
await this.update();
// Keep track of how long the longest manifest update took.
const endTime = Date.now();
// This may have converted to VOD, in which case we stop updating.
if (this.isLive_()) {
const updateDuration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0;
this.averageUpdateDuration_.sample(1, updateDuration);
const delay = this.config_.hls.updatePeriod > 0 ?
this.config_.hls.updatePeriod : this.getUpdatePlaylistDelay_();
const finalDelay = Math.max(0,
delay - this.averageUpdateDuration_.getEstimate());
this.updatePlaylistTimer_.tickAfter(/* seconds= */ finalDelay);
} catch (error) {
// Detect a call to stop() during this.update()
if (!this.playerInterface_) {
goog.asserts.assert(error instanceof shaka.util.Error,
'Should only receive a Shaka error');
if (this.config_.raiseFatalErrorOnManifestUpdateRequestFailure) {
// We will retry updating, so override the severity of the error.
error.severity = shaka.util.Error.Severity.RECOVERABLE;
// Try again very soon.
this.updatePlaylistTimer_.tickAfter(/* seconds= */ 0.1);
// Detect a call to stop()
if (!this.playerInterface_) {
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isLive_() {
const PresentationType = shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_;
return this.presentationType_ != PresentationType.VOD;
* @return {number}
* @private
getUpdatePlaylistDelay_() {
// The HLS spec (RFC 8216) states in 6.3.4:
// "the client MUST wait for at least the target duration before
// attempting to reload the Playlist file again".
// For LL-HLS, the server must add a new partial segment to the Playlist
// every part target duration.
return this.lastTargetDuration_;
* @param {shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_} type
* @private
setPresentationType_(type) {
this.presentationType_ = type;
if (this.presentationTimeline_) {
// If this manifest is not for live content, then we have no reason to
// update it.
if (!this.isLive_()) {
* Create a networking request. This will manage the request using the
* parser's operation manager. If the parser has already been stopped, the
* request will not be made.
* @param {shaka.extern.Request} request
* @param {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType} type
* @param {shaka.extern.RequestContext=} context
* @return {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.PendingRequest}
* @private
makeNetworkRequest_(request, type, context) {
if (!this.operationManager_) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (!context) {
context = {};
context.isPreload = this.isPreloadFn_();
const op = this.playerInterface_.networkingEngine.request(
type, request, context);
return op;
* @param {string} method
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isAesMethod_(method) {
return method == 'AES-128' ||
method == 'AES-256' ||
method == 'AES-256-CTR';
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} drmTag
* @param {string} mimeType
* @return {?shaka.extern.DrmInfo}
* @private
static fairplayDrmParser_(drmTag, mimeType) {
if (mimeType == 'video/mp2t') {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (shaka.util.Platform.isMediaKeysPolyfilled('apple')) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (!VALID_METHODS.includes(method)) {
shaka.log.error('FairPlay in HLS is only supported with [',
VALID_METHODS.join(', '), '], not', method);
return null;
let encryptionScheme = 'cenc';
if (method == 'SAMPLE-AES') {
// It should be 'cbcs-1-9' but Safari doesn't support it.
// See: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/blob/main/Source/WebCore/Modules/encryptedmedia/MediaKeyEncryptionScheme.idl
encryptionScheme = 'cbcs';
* Even if we're not able to construct initData through the HLS tag, adding
* a DRMInfo will allow DRM Engine to request a media key system access
* with the correct keySystem and initDataType
const drmInfo = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo(
'com.apple.fps', encryptionScheme, [
{initDataType: 'sinf', initData: new Uint8Array(0), keyId: null},
], drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI'));
return drmInfo;
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} drmTag
* @return {?shaka.extern.DrmInfo}
* @private
static widevineDrmParser_(drmTag) {
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (!VALID_METHODS.includes(method)) {
shaka.log.error('Widevine in HLS is only supported with [',
VALID_METHODS.join(', '), '], not', method);
return null;
let encryptionScheme = 'cenc';
if (method == 'SAMPLE-AES') {
encryptionScheme = 'cbcs';
const uri = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const parsedData = shaka.net.DataUriPlugin.parseRaw(uri.split('?')[0]);
// The data encoded in the URI is a PSSH box to be used as init data.
const pssh = shaka.util.BufferUtils.toUint8(parsedData.data);
const drmInfo = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo(
'com.widevine.alpha', encryptionScheme, [
{initDataType: 'cenc', initData: pssh},
const keyId = drmTag.getAttributeValue('KEYID');
if (keyId) {
const keyIdLowerCase = keyId.toLowerCase();
// This value should begin with '0x':
keyIdLowerCase.startsWith('0x'), 'Incorrect KEYID format!');
// But the output should not contain the '0x':
drmInfo.keyIds = new Set([keyIdLowerCase.substr(2)]);
return drmInfo;
* See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/playready/packaging/mp4-based-formats-supported-by-playready-clients?tabs=case4
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} drmTag
* @return {?shaka.extern.DrmInfo}
* @private
static playreadyDrmParser_(drmTag) {
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (!VALID_METHODS.includes(method)) {
shaka.log.error('PlayReady in HLS is only supported with [',
VALID_METHODS.join(', '), '], not', method);
return null;
let encryptionScheme = 'cenc';
if (method == 'SAMPLE-AES') {
encryptionScheme = 'cbcs';
const uri = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const parsedData = shaka.net.DataUriPlugin.parseRaw(uri.split('?')[0]);
// The data encoded in the URI is a PlayReady Pro Object, so we need
// convert it to pssh.
const data = shaka.util.BufferUtils.toUint8(parsedData.data);
const systemId = new Uint8Array([
0x9a, 0x04, 0xf0, 0x79, 0x98, 0x40, 0x42, 0x86,
0xab, 0x92, 0xe6, 0x5b, 0xe0, 0x88, 0x5f, 0x95,
const keyIds = new Set();
const psshVersion = 0;
const pssh =
shaka.util.Pssh.createPssh(data, systemId, keyIds, psshVersion);
const drmInfo = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo(
'com.microsoft.playready', encryptionScheme, [
{initDataType: 'cenc', initData: pssh},
const input = shaka.util.TXml.parseXmlString([
if (input) {
drmInfo.licenseServerUri = shaka.drm.PlayReady.getLicenseUrl(input);
return drmInfo;
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} drmTag
* @return {?shaka.extern.DrmInfo}
* @private
static wiseplayDrmParser_(drmTag) {
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (!VALID_METHODS.includes(method)) {
shaka.log.error('WisePlay in HLS is only supported with [',
VALID_METHODS.join(', '), '], not', method);
return null;
let encryptionScheme = 'cenc';
if (method == 'SAMPLE-AES') {
encryptionScheme = 'cbcs';
const uri = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI');
const parsedData = shaka.net.DataUriPlugin.parseRaw(uri.split('?')[0]);
// The data encoded in the URI is a PSSH box to be used as init data.
const pssh = shaka.util.BufferUtils.toUint8(parsedData.data);
const drmInfo = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo(
'com.huawei.wiseplay', encryptionScheme, [
{initDataType: 'cenc', initData: pssh},
const keyId = drmTag.getAttributeValue('KEYID');
if (keyId) {
const keyIdLowerCase = keyId.toLowerCase();
// This value should begin with '0x':
keyIdLowerCase.startsWith('0x'), 'Incorrect KEYID format!');
// But the output should not contain the '0x':
drmInfo.keyIds = new Set([keyIdLowerCase.substr(2)]);
return drmInfo;
* See: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-11#section-5.1
* @param {!shaka.hls.Tag} drmTag
* @param {string} mimeType
* @param {function(): !Array<string>} getUris
* @param {?shaka.media.InitSegmentReference} initSegmentRef
* @param {?Map<string, string>=} variables
* @return {!Promise<?shaka.extern.DrmInfo>}
* @private
async identityDrmParser_(drmTag, mimeType, getUris, initSegmentRef,
variables) {
if (mimeType == 'video/mp2t') {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (shaka.util.Platform.isMediaKeysPolyfilled('apple')) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
const method = drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('METHOD');
if (!VALID_METHODS.includes(method)) {
shaka.log.error('Identity (ClearKey) in HLS is only supported with [',
VALID_METHODS.join(', '), '], not', method);
return null;
const keyUris = shaka.hls.Utils.constructSegmentUris(
getUris(), drmTag.getRequiredAttrValue('URI'), variables);
let key;
if (keyUris[0].startsWith('data:text/plain;base64,')) {
key = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.toHex(
} else {
const keyMapKey = keyUris.sort().join('');
if (!this.identityKeyMap_.has(keyMapKey)) {
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.KEY;
const request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
keyUris, this.config_.retryParameters);
const keyResponse = this.makeNetworkRequest_(request, requestType)
this.identityKeyMap_.set(keyMapKey, keyResponse);
const keyResponse = await this.identityKeyMap_.get(keyMapKey);
key = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.toHex(keyResponse.data);
// NOTE: The ClearKey CDM requires a key-id to key mapping. HLS doesn't
// provide a key ID anywhere. So although we could use the 'URI' attribute
// to fetch the actual 16-byte key, without a key ID, we can't provide this
// automatically to the ClearKey CDM. By default we assume that keyId is 0,
// but we will try to get key ID from Init Segment.
// If the application want override this behavior will have to use
// player.configure('drm.clearKeys', { ... }) to provide the key IDs
// and keys or player.configure('drm.servers.org\.w3\.clearkey', ...) to
// provide a ClearKey license server URI.
let keyId = '00000000000000000000000000000000';
if (initSegmentRef) {
let defaultKID;
if (this.identityKidMap_.has(initSegmentRef)) {
defaultKID = this.identityKidMap_.get(initSegmentRef);
} else {
const initSegmentRequest = shaka.util.Networking.createSegmentRequest(
const requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.SEGMENT;
const initType =
const initResponse = await this.makeNetworkRequest_(
initSegmentRequest, requestType, {type: initType}).promise;
defaultKID = shaka.media.SegmentUtils.getDefaultKID(
this.identityKidMap_.set(initSegmentRef, defaultKID);
if (defaultKID) {
keyId = defaultKID;
const clearkeys = new Map();
clearkeys.set(keyId, key);
let encryptionScheme = 'cenc';
if (method == 'SAMPLE-AES') {
encryptionScheme = 'cbcs';
return shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfoFromClearKeys(
clearkeys, encryptionScheme);
* @typedef {{
* stream: !shaka.extern.Stream,
* type: string,
* redirectUris: !Array<string>,
* getUris: function():!Array<string>,
* minTimestamp: number,
* maxTimestamp: number,
* mediaSequenceToStartTime: !Map<number, number>,
* canSkipSegments: boolean,
* canBlockReload: boolean,
* hasEndList: boolean,
* firstSequenceNumber: number,
* nextMediaSequence: number,
* nextPart: number,
* loadedOnce: boolean
* }}
* @description
* Contains a stream and information about it.
* @property {!shaka.extern.Stream} stream
* The Stream itself.
* @property {string} type
* The type value. Could be 'video', 'audio', 'text', or 'image'.
* @property {!Array<string>} redirectUris
* The redirect URIs.
* @property {function():!Array<string>} getUris
* The verbatim media playlist URIs, as it appeared in the master playlist.
* @property {number} minTimestamp
* The minimum timestamp found in the stream.
* @property {number} maxTimestamp
* The maximum timestamp found in the stream.
* @property {!Map<number, number>} mediaSequenceToStartTime
* A map of media sequence numbers to media start times.
* Only used for VOD content.
* @property {boolean} canSkipSegments
* True if the server supports delta playlist updates, and we can send a
* request for a playlist that can skip older media segments.
* @property {boolean} canBlockReload
* True if the server supports blocking playlist reload, and we can send a
* request for a playlist that can block reload until some segments are
* present.
* @property {boolean} hasEndList
* True if the stream has an EXT-X-ENDLIST tag.
* @property {number} firstSequenceNumber
* The sequence number of the first reference. Only calculated if needed.
* @property {number} nextMediaSequence
* The next media sequence.
* @property {number} nextPart
* The next part.
* @property {boolean} loadedOnce
* True if the stream has been loaded at least once.
* @typedef {{
* audio: !Array<shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>,
* video: !Array<shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>
* }}
* @description Audio and video stream infos.
* @property {!Array<shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} audio
* @property {!Array<shaka.hls.HlsParser.StreamInfo>} video
* @const {!Map<string, string>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.RAW_FORMATS_TO_MIME_TYPES_ = new Map()
.set('aac', 'audio/aac')
.set('ac3', 'audio/ac3')
.set('ec3', 'audio/ec3')
.set('mp3', 'audio/mpeg');
* @const {!Map<string, string>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.AUDIO_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_ = new Map()
.set('mp4', 'audio/mp4')
.set('mp4a', 'audio/mp4')
.set('m4s', 'audio/mp4')
.set('m4i', 'audio/mp4')
.set('m4a', 'audio/mp4')
.set('m4f', 'audio/mp4')
.set('cmfa', 'audio/mp4')
// MPEG2-TS also uses video/ for audio: https://bit.ly/TsMse
.set('ts', 'video/mp2t')
.set('tsa', 'video/mp2t');
* @const {!Map<string, string>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_ = new Map()
.set('mp4', 'video/mp4')
.set('mp4v', 'video/mp4')
.set('m4s', 'video/mp4')
.set('m4i', 'video/mp4')
.set('m4v', 'video/mp4')
.set('m4f', 'video/mp4')
.set('cmfv', 'video/mp4')
.set('ts', 'video/mp2t')
.set('tsv', 'video/mp2t');
* @const {!Map<string, string>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.TEXT_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_ = new Map()
.set('mp4', 'application/mp4')
.set('m4s', 'application/mp4')
.set('m4i', 'application/mp4')
.set('m4f', 'application/mp4')
.set('cmft', 'application/mp4')
.set('vtt', 'text/vtt')
.set('webvtt', 'text/vtt')
.set('ttml', 'application/ttml+xml');
* @const {!Map<string, string>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.IMAGE_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_ = new Map()
.set('jpg', 'image/jpeg')
.set('png', 'image/png')
.set('svg', 'image/svg+xml')
.set('webp', 'image/webp')
.set('avif', 'image/avif');
* @const {!Map<string, !Map<string, string>>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.EXTENSION_MAP_BY_CONTENT_TYPE_ = new Map()
.set('audio', shaka.hls.HlsParser.AUDIO_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_)
.set('video', shaka.hls.HlsParser.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_)
.set('text', shaka.hls.HlsParser.TEXT_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_)
.set('image', shaka.hls.HlsParser.IMAGE_EXTENSIONS_TO_MIME_TYPES_);
* MIME types without init segment.
* @const {!Set<string>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.MIME_TYPES_WITHOUT_INIT_SEGMENT_ = new Set([
// Containerless types
* @typedef {function(!shaka.hls.Tag, string):?shaka.extern.DrmInfo}
* @private
* @const {!Map<string, shaka.hls.HlsParser.DrmParser_>}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.KEYFORMATS_TO_DRM_PARSERS_ = new Map()
* @enum {string}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.PresentationType_ = {
* @const {string}
* @private
shaka.hls.HlsParser.FAKE_MUXED_URL_ = 'shaka://hls-muxed';
'application/x-mpegurl', () => new shaka.hls.HlsParser());
'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl', () => new shaka.hls.HlsParser());